From a whisper to a bang - episode one credits
Harry’s story, Megan’s pilgrimage
From a whisper to a bang - episode one credits

- Professor Peter Monteath
- Dr. Lachlan Grant
- Dr. Adrian Threlfall
- Bob Spencer
- Delma Calcagno
- Finn Ellis
- Heath Bigg
- Sienna Bigg
- The Last Post: Greg Kimball (MC) and Private Christopher Freymeyer (reader) from the Australian War Memorial.
- Joanne Whiteman (family reunion)
Additional Music
Mastered by
- Office of Strategic Services Audio – Courtesy: National Archives and Records Administration.
- Glen Eley and Cinetone Moviesound Productions.
Thank you
- Gaga Music, Jim White, George Xylouris
- The Australian War Memorial - Amanda Dennett, Andy Heaney, the DEX team, the Historians and Collections teams.
- To everyone who contributed to this episode and to the Spencer family.
Harry was not on the ‘Costa Rica’ vessel that was sunk during the evacuation from Greece. In his memoir he says that en route to the port he became separated from his unit and was instead evacuated from mainland Greece to Crete on the “HMAS Perth”.
More info about the sinking of the Costa Rica.
The graphic novel that Adrian Threlfall co-wrote with Hugh Dolan, is Reg Saunders, An Indigenous War Hero. Adrian is also the author of Jungle Warriors.
More about the 2/7th Infantry Battalion on the Australian War Memorial website