In the collection: Conflict T-shirts
The Australian War Memorial holds T-shirts from the numerous Peace Keeping missions in which Australians have served. A usually inexpensive and useful type of souvenir, the T-shirts are often humorous and visually creative. They are an example of how soldiers have adapted a civilian item of clothing to a deployment context.
This T-shirt was purchased by Lieutenant Duncan John Perryman, RAN, while serving in East Timor as part of the International Force East Timor (INTERFET) in 1999-2000. Screen printed on the back is a locomotive, the body is made of a Victoria Bitter (VB) beer can, and another can is carried in the tender. Around the edge is a yellow circle with black lettering 'TOUCAN EXPRESS EAST TIMOR'. The image is repeated in a smaller form on the front of the T-shirt over the left breast. Underneath it is printed 'DILI CANTEEN'. REL28051 Associated with Sergeant William John Guthrie, RAAF, who served in East Timor with INTERFET's 1 Media Support Unit during 1999. On the front of the T-shirt is a comical unit logo consisting of a heraldic-style shield emblazoned with a pair of wings, the head of a bird, a commercial-grade video camera, and a dagger, underscored with `FORT ALAMO'. The unit's motto `FIRST TO GO LAST TO KNOW' is below this on a scroll. `EAST TIMOR 99' is printed on the right sleeve.
Acquired by Chief Superintendent Geoffrey Alan Hazel in Mozambique in 1994, when he was the contingent commander for the second Australian Contingent. Screen printed onto the front of the T-shirt, are the letters 'ONUMOZ' [United Nations Operation in Mozambique]. Beneath this is a brown coloured bulldog wearing a United Nations blue beret and white badge, giving a thumbs up sign with a black gloved paw. Beneath the bulldog is printed 'TUDO BEM' (Brazilian Portuguese for 'how are you') in yellow lettering with black outlines.
On the front of the T-shirt is a comical unit logo consisting of a heraldic-style shield emblazoned with a pair of wings, the head of a bird, a commercial-grade video camera, and a dagger, underscored with `FORT ALAMO'. The unit's motto `FIRST TO GO LAST TO KNOW' is below this on a scroll. `EAST TIMOR 99' is printed on the right sleeve.