Issue 35

No 35 - December 2001
- "Diggers" and "Doughboys": Australian and American troop interaction on the Western Front, 1918
Dale Blair - Resurrecting a war memorial
Paula Furby - An attack on Melbourne: a case study of the defence of Australias major ports in the early 1890s
Michael Kitson - The empire is listening: naval signals intelligence in the Far East to 1942
Jozef Straczek
Book reviews
- Clay Blair, Hitler's U-boat war: the hunted, 1942-1945 (Ben Evans)
- Deborah Montgomerie, The women's war: New Zealand women 1939-45 (Janette Bomford)
- Albert Palazzo, Seeking victory on the Western Front: the British army and chemical warfare in World War I (Dr Gary Sheffield)
- Bob Reece, Masa Jepun: Sarawak under the Japanese 1941-1945 (Dr Ooi Keat Gin)
- George Davies, The occupation of Japan: the rhetoric and the reality of Anglo-Australasian relations 1939-1952 (Dr Christopher Waters)