Places | |
Accession Number | PUBS002/001/001/002 |
Collection number | Souvenirs 2 1/1/2 |
Collection type | Published Collection |
Record type | File |
Item count | 49 |
Measurement | 49 items |
Object type | Souvenir |
Maker |
Various |
Date made | 1914-1920 |
Conflict |
First World War, 1914-1918 |
Copying Provisions | Copyright expired. Copying permitted subject to physical condition. Permission for reproduction not required. |
File 2: Troopships D-N
Souvenirs 2, Concert and Theatre Programs Collection - First World War 1914-1918
- Sub-series 1: Performances at sea
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This file contains programs and other souvenirs related to entertainment aboard troopships during the First World War. Some of these performances relate to performances held whilst troops were returning to Australia. Programs from troopships beginning with letters D to N are included in this file.
- [Concert program] Item 1: Souvenir program
- Item 50: White Star Line R.M.S. Ionic Programme of Evening Concert
- Item 2: Souvenir program
- [Concert program] Item 3: Grand souvenir concert.
- [Concert program] Item 4: Grand souvenir concert.
- [Concert program] Item 5: Programme of grand concert to commemorate crossing the line
- [Concert program] Item 6: Programme of Christmas concert
- Item 7: Programme
- Item 8: Entertainment by the officers and men of H.M.A.S. "Encounter" in aid of Fiji Day Fund.
- [Concert program] Item 9: The grand finale of the military concerts
- Item 10: Program for variety concert on HMT Euripides
- Item 11: The 'Gaika' Concert Party...programme.
- [Concert program] Item 12: Concert programme
- [Concert program] Item 13: Programme of evening concert.
- Item 14: The Boomerangs
- [Concert program] Item 15: Cafe Chantant.
- [Concert program] Item 16: Program of concert
- [Concert program] Item 17: Souvenir of No.2. Australian Hospital Ship Kanowna
- Item 18: Programme of concert given by the Kanowna Follies
- [Concert program] Item 19: Officers' concert
- Item 20: Souvenir
- Item 21: Souvenir
- Item 22: Grand concert programme.
- Item 23: Programme
- Item 24: Souvenir of Diggers Supreme Court assembled to carry into effect the sections, provisions and conditions contained in the above mentioned act [Diggers Defence Act].
- Item 25: Souvenir of Diggers Supreme Court assembled to carry into effect the sections, provisions and conditions contained in the above mentioned act [Diggers Defence Act].
- Item 26: Souvenir of Diggers Supreme Court assembled to carry into effect the sections, provisions and conditions contained in the above mentioned act [Diggers Defence Act].
- Item 27: Souvenir of Diggers Supreme Court assembled to carry into effect the sections, provisions and conditions contained in the above mentioned act [Diggers Defence Act].
- Item 28: The three act farcical comedy: Charley's Aunt.
- Item 29: The one act musical farce: Fun on the Bristol
- Item 30: The Kronic Freddies
- Item 31: The Kronic Freddies
- Item 32: Concert
- Item 33: Concert
- Item 34: A Troopship Scandal. A mock trial.
- Item 35: A grand evening concert
- Item 36: Marathon Symphony Orchestra
- Item 37: Officers Mess dinner. At sea, July 17th. Farewell programme.
- Item 38: HMAT Marathon Symphony Orchestra
- Item 39: HMAT Marathon Symphony Orchestra
- Item 40: Programme of a concert held in the Sergeants' Mess
- Item 41: Programme
- Item 42: Programme
- Item 43: Programme
- Item 44: Souvenir programme of grand entertainment
- Item 45: Concert given by boys of HMT Miltiades
- Item 46: Concert
- Item 47: Programme of grand concert
- [Concert program] Item 48: Programme of grand concert
- [Concert program] Item 49: Programme of grand concert