Personal Files Book 7, 22 August - 24 August 1915

Place Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Sari Bair Area, Hill 60 (Gallipoli)
Accession Number RCDIG0000595
Collection number 3DRL/2316
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type File
Item count 60
Object type Papers
Physical description 79 Image/s captured
Maker Monash, John
Place made Ottoman Empire: Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli
Date made 1915
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918
Copying Provisions Digital format and content protected by copyright.

File of papers relating to the First World War service of Brigadier General John Monash, 4th Infantry Brigade. This file, originally part of Book 7, covers 22 August 1915 to 24 August 1915 and includes messages exchanged between the 4th Brigade and the New Zealand Army Corps regarding preparations to attack Hill 60. It also includes information on the movement of Commonwealth troops, the activities of the Turkish Army, sketches of Hill 60 and its surrounds, pressing medical issues relating to the 4th Brigade, and a draft eulogy for the 14th Battalion Chaplain, Reverend Andrew Gillison.
This file contains:
Message from NZ Report Centre to 4th Australian Brigade, 22 August 1915;
Message from Monash to O.C.s 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th Battalions, 22 August 1915;
Note concerning strength of battalions, extension of subsections and a request for the relief of a group of 500 men, 22 August 1915;
Message from NZ Report Centre to 4th Australian Infantry Brigade, 22 August 1915;
Message from NZ Report Centre to 4th Australian Brigade, 22 August 1915;
Message from O.C. 18th battalion to Monash, stating that 150 yards of trenches were taken but were lost again soon after, 22 August 1915;
Message from Monash to General Russell, 22 August 1915;
Message from O.C. 16th Battalion to 4th Brigade, 22 August 1915;
Message to G.O.C. No. 6 Section, 22 August 1915;
Message from 9th Corps, 22 August 1915;
Message from NZ Report Centre to 4th Australian Infantry Brigade, 22 August 1915;
Force Order No. 20, 22 August 1915 [Copy];
No. 6 Section Force Orders on organization, areas, and sanitation, issued by Major General Cox, 22 August 1915 [Copy];
Summary of events from No. 2 Post for the 22nd and 23rd, 23 August 1915;
Message from HQ, 4th Infantry Brigade to No. 6 Section, 23 August 1915;
Memorandum from Monash to Post Commanders, including information about the instruction of new troops, 23 August 1915;
Message from Lieutenant Marks, Acting Adjutant, 13th Battalion to Brigade Major, 23 August 1915;
Report by Captain Cooper for 23 August, 23 August 1915;
Message from Major Dare to Brigade Major, 4th Infantry Brigade, 23 August 1915;
Message from Lieutenant Colonel Pope to HQ, 4th Infantry Brigade, 23 August 1915;
Message from NZ Report Centre to 4th Australian Brigade, 23 August 1915;
Obituary for Chaplain Reverend Andrew Gillison, [date unknown] [Draft];
Message from O.C. 29th Infantry Brigade to Monash, 23 August 1915;
Message from 1st Australian Division via NZ Report Centre to 4th Australian Infantry Brigade recounting an attempted Turkish raid, 23 August 1915;
No. 6 Section Orders issued by Major General Cox, 23 August 1915;
Memorandum issued by No. 6 Section HQ, 23 August 1915;
Orders for No. 6 Section, issued by Major General Cox, concerning medical, communications, and special issues, [date unknown];
Organisation for No. 6 Section issued by Major General Cox, [date unknown];
Administration order issued by Major General Cox, [date unknown];
Memorandum concerning the instruction of new troops by Monash, issued to all Post Commanders, 23 August 1915;
Routine Orders by Brigadier General Russell, 23 August 1915;
Report by General Russell to Monash, 23 August 1915;
Message from Monash to Major Margolin concerning the cancellation of plans to move Major Margolin under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Agnew, [date unknown];
Extract from notes made by General Russell, 23 August 1915;
Message to Lieutenant Colonel Pope, 23 August 1915;
Message to C.O. 15th Battalion, 23 August 1915;
Message from 16th Battalion HQ to Brigadier General 4th Australian Infantry Brigade, 23 August 1915;
Message from NZ Report Centre to 4th Australian Infantry Brigade, 23 August 1915;
Message from NZ Report Centre to 4th Australian Brigade, 23 August 1915;
Message from NZ Report Centre to Monash, 23 August 1915;
Memorandum for instructions on reorganising defences in subsection 1 of No. 6 Section, 23 August 1915;
Message from No. 6 Section to Monash, 23 August 1915;
Message from 4th Infantry Brigade to G.O.C. No. 6 Section, 23 August 1915;
Summary of events for 23 and 24 August, sent by No. 2 Post, 24 August 1915;
Message from Major Dare to Brigade Major, 4th Infantry Brigade, 24 August 1915;
Message from Major Rankine to Brigade Major, 4th Infantry Brigade, 24 August 1915;
Sketch showing skyline of Hill 60 from Kaiajik Dere, drawn by Major Dare, 24 August 1915;
Report by Major Rankine, covering events of 24 August, 24 August 1915;
Message from C.O. 15th Battalion to HQ, 4th Infantry Brigade, 24 August 1915;
Message from Lieutenant Colonel Pope to HQ, 4th Infantry Brigade, 24 August 1915;
Message from Brigade Major, 4th Australian Brigade to Lieutenant Colonel Esson, 24 August 1915;
Message from Captain Eastwood to Brigade Major, 4th Australian Infantry Brigade, 24 August 1915;
Message from NZ Report Centre to 4th Australian Brigade, 24 August 1915;
Note stating the change in command of No. 2 Post: Major Rankine to be replaced by Lieutenant Colonel Adams, 24 August 1915;
Message from 15th Battalion to Brigade Major, 4th Brigade, 24 August 1915;
Message from Adjutant, 15th Battalion to Brigade Major, 4th Brigade, 24 August 1915;
Message from Adjutant, 13th Battalion to Brigade Major, 4th Brigade, 24 August 1915;
Message from Captain 'Laugran' [Loughran] to Brigade Major, 4th Brigade, 24 August 1915;
Message from O.C. 16th Battalion to Brigade Major, 4th Brigade, 24 August 1915.