Personal Files Book 13, 1 July - 16 August 1916

Accession Number RCDIG0000614
Collection number 3DRL/2316
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type File
Item count 94
Object type Papers
Physical description 174 Image/s captured
Maker Monash, John
Place made France, United Kingdom: England
Date made 1916
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918
Copying Provisions Digital format and content protected by copyright.

File of papers relating to the First World War service of Brigadier General John Monash, 4th Infantry Brigade. This file, originally part of Book 13, covers 1 July 1916 and 16 August 916, contains aerial photographs and maps of the trenches around Lys, advice on fighting in France and the 'lessons drawn from the south', and documents relating to a successful raid of German trenches on 2 July 1916, including a detailed list of and reports by the participants. In addition to this is a copy of the farewell speech made by Brigadier General Monash to the 4th Brigade upon his appointment to the 3rd Australian Division in England, and a poem by Sergeant Major Richard John Garcia, thanking Monash for his work with the Brigade.
This file contains:
Copy No. 52 of trench map overlayed on topographical map, 1 July 1916;
Copy No. 53 of trench map overlayed on topographical map, 1 July 1916;
Copy No. 54 of trench map overlayed on topographical map, 1 July 1916;
Map showing trenches, parapet, borrow pit and listening post, [date unknown];
Map titled 'Monash's Muddle: Phase 1', 1 July 1916;
Map titled 'Monash's Muddle: Phase 2', 1 July 1916;
Sketch of trenches, annotated with positions and scale, 1 July 1916;
Map of raid for Centre Group Artillery, Phase 1, 1 July 1916;
Map of raid for Centre Group Artillery, Phase 2, 1 July 1916;
Aerial photograph of trenches, 'K280', 1 July 1916;
Aerial photograph of trenches, '16.B.159', 1 July 1916;
Aerial photograph of trenches, with two positions circled, 1 July 1916;
Special Order of the Day issued by Sir Haig, 2 July 1916;
Envelope bearing the words: 'My precious belongings for Uncle Jack, from Nancy'. The envelope contains a set of three small teeth from his niece, Nancy Bertha Rosenhain, 2 July 1916;
Document titled 'Lessons from the Fighting in the South of France', 2 July 1916;
Message from Major Durrant referencing Operation Order No. 14, 2 July 1916;
To-do list for Monash, 2 July 1916;
Detailed list of Raiding Party supplied by 14th Battalion, 2 July 1916;
Message from major Durrant to 2nd Australian Division, concerning trench raid, 3 July 1916;
Message from major Durrant to 2nd Australian Division, stating that 'raiders' are returning, 3 July 1916;
Message from major Durrant to 2nd Australian Division, stating raiders delayed by enemy machine gun fire, 3 July 1916;
Message from major Durrant to 2nd Australian Division, stating that 25 casualties have been inflicted and 20 received, 3 July 1916;
Message from major Durrant to 2nd Australian Division, confirming casualty statistics and stating that no prisoners were taken, 3 July 1916;
Summary of raid of 2/3 July, 3 July 1916;
Summary of raid of 2/3 July, 3 July 1916 [Draft];
Note from Major Durrant to Captain Locke, 3 July 1916;
Account of raid by Sergeants Harris and Pearce, 3 July 1916;
Notes listing number of soldiers unaccounted for, 3 July 1916;
Account of raid, 3 July 1916;
Map of raid, [date unknown];
Individual account of the raid, containing reports of Sergeants Pearce, Anderson, Harris, Corporal Ryan and Private Watts, [date unknown];
Message from No. 4 Machine Gun Company to Intelligence Officer, Brigade HQ, 3 July 1916;
Unsigned message to 2nd Australian Division, 3 July 1916;
Report by Monash on raid, sent to 4th Australian Division, [date unknown];
Report by Brigadier General, 4th Australian Infantry Brigade to 2nd Australian Division, 3 July 1916;
Letter from Captain Stanton to Major Durrant with reports of Sergeant Anderson and Private Armstrong, 3 July 1916;
Timeline of events, 3 July 1916;
Notes with names of those involved in the raid of 2/3 July, 3 July 1916;
Message from 2nd Australian Division to 4th Australian Infantry Brigade, 3 July 1916;
Notes on raid by Lieutenant Colonel Dare, 3 July 1916;
Message from Monash to C.O. 14th Battalion, 3 July 1916;
Routine Orders issued by Sir Birdwood, 5 July 1916 [Copy];
Letter from Monash to Lieutenant Colonel Dare. Monash suggests ways for Lieutenant Colonel Dare to 'increase efficiency', 6 July 1916;
Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Dare to Monash, 6 July 1916;
Unsigned letter from Monash to Lieutenant Colonel Dare, 7 July 1916;
Note titled 'Lessons from the fighting in the South of France', 7 July 1916;
4th Australian Infantry Brigade Order No. 16, issued by Major Durrant, 7 July 1916;
4th Australian Infantry Brigade Order No. 17, issued by Major Durrant, 8 July 1916;
Operation Order No. 2, issued by C.O. Left Group Artillery, contains timetable of Artillery Tasks, 8 July 1916;
Notes on Use of Lewis Guns in an Advance, contains table of ammunition per division, 8 July 1916;
Daily State of the 4th Infantry Brigade, for the month of July. Lists Battalion, Officers, W.Os, Sergeants, Others, and Total, 6 July to 9 July 1916;
Message from General Staff, 4th Australian Division to 4th, 12th and 13th Infantry Brigades, 9 July 1916;
Notes on present and future operations, 9 July 1916;
Message from General Staff, 4th Australian Division to 4th, 12th and 13th Infantry Brigades, 9 July 1916;
4th Australian Infantry Brigade Order No. 18, issued by Major Durrant, 9 July 1916;
Moves of Units of 4th and 8th Australian Infantry Brigades for nights 10/11 and 11/12 July, [date unknown];
4th Australian Infantry Brigade Order No. 19, issued by Major Durrant, includes march table, 10 July 1916;
4th Australian Infantry Brigade Order No. 20, issued by Major Durrant, 11 July 1916;
4th Australian Infantry Brigade Order No. 21, issued by Major Durrant, 12 July 1916;
4th Infantry Brigade, Brigade Routine Order No. 557, issued by Monash, 14 July 1916;
Telegram to Monash, requesting that he report to London, 14 July 1916 [Copy];
Message from 1st ANZAC to Monash, 14 July 1916;
Telegram from 1st ANZAC to Administrative HQ AIF, London, 16 July 1916;
Flyer for a Ladies' Sewing Room at the Australian Natives' Association, London, 17 July 1916;
Complaint letter to G.O.C 3rd Australian Division, 20 July 1916;
Notes from Conference with General Monash, 21 July 1916;
Notes from Conference with Brigadiers, 26 July 1916;
Letter conferring power of Courts Martial on G.O.C. 3rd Australian Division, 27 July 1916;
Souvenir programme for the opening of YMCA No. 1, 27 July 1916;
Table displaying combined state of 3rd Australian Division, 27 July 1916;
Routine Orders No. 1 for 3rd Australian Division, 27 July 1916;
3rd Australian Division General Staff Training Circular No. 5, 30 July 1916;
3rd Australian Division General Staff Training Circular No. 6, 31 July 1916;
3rd Australian Division notes on Distinguished Colour Patches, 31 July 1916;
Poem titled 'Farewell To Our Co', written by Sergeant Major Garcia, July 1916;
Memo for Brigadier General Rankin, August 1916;
Message from The Argus office to Mrs Monash, 1 August 1916;
Report on Commanding Officers for 33rd, 34th, 35th and 36th Battalions, 3 August 1916;
Page of notes made by Monash, 3 August 1916;
AIF List No. 74: Appointments and Promotions, 5 August 1916;
Letter from Embarkation Office, AIF to O.C. Administration HQ AIF, 5 August 1916;
Letter from Sergeant West to Lieutenant Colpitts, 5 August 1916;
Translation of German Article on Gallipoli, 6 August 1916;
Administrative Memorandum No. 1, includes information on Marching Order, Drill Order, Fatigue Dress and 'Walking Out Dress', 7 August 1916;
General Staff Circular No. 8, 8 August 1916 [Incomplete];
3rd Australian Division General Staff Circular No. 8, 8 August 1916;
Note signed G.H, [date unknown];
Letter from AIF Administrative HQ to Monash, 9 August 1916;
Training of Infantry and Pioneers, 9 August 1916;
Weekly Report on Officers for 3rd Australian Division, 14 August 1916;
Label and description for The Stonehenge Woollen Industry, 15 August 1916;
Statement on reinforcements for the AIF, issued by Sir Birdwood, 15 August 1916;
Correspondence as reply to Brigadier General Rankin, 16 August 1916;
Booklet for the Anglo-Russian Fete, 16 August 1916.