Personal Files Book 14, 6 October - 30 November 1916

Accession Number RCDIG0000616
Collection number 3DRL/2316
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type File
Item count 81
Object type Papers
Physical description 169 Image/s captured
Maker Monash, John
Place made United Kingdom: England, Wiltshire, Larkhill
Date made 1916
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918
Copying Provisions Digital format and content protected by copyright.

File of papers relating to the First World War service of Major General John Monash, 3rd Australian Division. This file, originally part of Book 14, covers 6 October 1916 to 30 November 1916 and includes a report by Major General Sir Francis Howard on the readiness of the 3rd Australian Division, a program for the 'Pioneer exhibition game of Australian Football', played at the Queen's Club, West Kensington, and illustrated by Cecil Hartt and Fred Leist, and a detailed training schedule and scenario to be conducted at Salisbury Plains. The final item in the file is a photograph of Ms Hetty King, which was found in the trenches.
This file contains:
Circular Memorandum No. 8 for 3rd Australian Division, 6 October 1916;
Report on the 3rd Australian Division by Major General Howard, 7 October 1916;
Letter from Lieutenant Colonel C. de Saumarez to Monash alerting him to the preparation for active service of the 3rd Australian Division. Includes table of 3rd Division troops, 9 October 1916;
Telegram from War Office, London to G.O.C. Southern Command, 9 October 1916;
Note from Lieutenant Colonel Farmar, 11 October 1916;
Note from Southern Command to G.O.C. 3rd Australian Division, 11 October 1916;
Circular Memorandum No. 11 for the 3rd Australian Division, 13 October 1916;
Series of diagrams and equations, [date unknown];
General Staff Circular No. 43, issued by Lieutenant Colonel Jackson, 14 October 1916;
Blank table for 'Honours and Rewards', [date unknown];
Typed notes (with hand drawn diagrams) of shooting angles, 17 October 1916;
Algebraic equation, [date unknown];
Typed notes (with hand-drawn diagrams) of shooting angles. Reverse contains further diagrams, [date unknown];
Algebraic equations and a diagram accompanying them, [date unknown];
Notes for Conference, 17 October 1916;
List of 'Articles Carried by Men During Assault', 20 October 1916;
Routine Order No. 73, 21 October 1916;
Address titled 'Talk to Senior Officers', 1st Lecture, 24 October 1916 [Draft];
Lecture No. 2 to be delivered by Monash, 25 October 1916;
Lecture No. 3 to be delivered by Monash, 25 October 1916;
Letter from Monash to 'Walter', 28 October 1916;
Pioneer Exhibition Game: Australian Football program for the 3rd Australian Division. Features cartoons by Cecil Hartt, 28 October 1916;
Notes on '3rd Section', 31 October 1916;
Telegram from War Office, London to G.O.C. Southern Command, 31 October 1916;
Letter from Assistant Adjutant General, Mobilisation to G.O.C. Southern Command, 31 October 1916;
Letter from Assistant Adjutant General, Mobilisation to G.O.C. Southern Command, 31 October 1916 [Copy];
Extracts from The Astra, a paper published by Monash's Divisional Train, October 1916;
3rd Australian Division Graph displaying total number of sick in lines and in hospital for months of August, September, October and part of November, November 1916;
3rd Australian Division Graph displaying total number of sick in lines and in hospital for months of August, September, October and part of November, November 1916 [Draft];
Table showing 'A' Echelon D.A.C. for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Section, 1 November 1916;
Address titled 'A Message to the Men of the 3rd Australian Division', 1 November 1916 [Draft];
Address titled 'A Message to the Men of the 3rd Australian Division', 1 November 1916;
Address titled 'A Message to the Men of the 3rd Australian Division', 1 November 1916 [Copy];
Address titled 'A Message to the Men of the 3rd Australian Division', 1 November 1916 [Copy];
Address titled 'A Message to the Men of the 3rd Australian Division', 1 November 1916 [Copy];
Artillery Group Order No. 1, 2 November 1916;
Artillery Group Order No. 2, 2 November 1916;
Annotated map showing 'Plan B.', 2 November 1916;
Instructions from Lieutenant Colonel Spencer to Brigadier General Grimwade, 2 November 1916;
Note from Adjutant Hammond to 'All Units', 3 November 1916;
Instructions for 11th Australian Infantry Brigade Special Idea exercise, 3 November 1916;
11th Australian Infantry Brigade Order No. 20, 3 November 1916;
Letter from HQ, 2nd ANZAC to Major General Russell, 3 November 1916 [Draft];
Detachment Order No. 1. Contains diagrams of trenches and detailed map of the trenches, 3 November 1916;
Corrigendum to Detachment Order No. 1, 4 November 1916;
Detachment Instructional Memorandum No. 1, 5 November 1916;
Detachment Order No. 2, includes March table, 6 November 1916;
Phase 1 Task Table for Attack on Crater, 7 November 1916 [Copy];
Phase 2 Task Table for Attack on Crater, 7 November 1916 [Copy];
Phase 3 Task Table for Attack on Crater, 7 November 1916 [Copy];
Notes on the prevention of trench feet and frostbite issued to the 3rd Australian Division, 8 November 1916;
Circular Memorandum No. 20 for the 3rd Australian Division, 9 November 1916;
Graph showing animals, wagons, ammunition wagons, 18 PRsQF, 4.5 Howitzers, telephone wagons, and rifles 303 for months of August, September, October and November, 9 November 1916;
3rd Australian Division Operation Order No. 5, 9 November 1916;
Note with the 'General Idea' for 11th Australian Infantry Brigade exercise, 11 November 1916;
Special Idea for 11th Australian Infantry Brigade exercise, 11 November 1916 [Copy];
Note relating to Brigade exercise, [date unknown];
11th Australian Infantry Brigade Order No. 22, 11 November 1916;
Rough graph displaying time, Brigade groups and miles/locations marched, 12 November 1916;
Circular Memo to troops in connection with divisional exercise for 3rd Australian Division, 12 November 1916;
Map showing area around Bailleul, [date unknown];
Programme No. 34, Order of Embarkation for 3rd Australian Division, 13 November 1916;
Embarkation Table for 3rd Australian Division issued by War Office, 13 November 1916;
Instructions issued by Lieutenant Colonel Jackson to 3rd Australian Division, 14 November 1916;
Telegram from Buckingham Palace containing a good luck message from the King to the G.O.C. 3rd Australian Division, 15 November 1916 [Copy];
Poem from Punch Magazine containing eulogy of the 'real' ANZACs, 16 November 1916 [Copy];
Message from Lieutenant Colonel Jackson to 3rd Australian Division, 16 November 1916;
Signal Message from Lieutenant Colonel Jackson to 3rd Australian Division, [date unknown];
Message titled 'Task No. 3', [date unknown];
Notes on Divisional Exercises, 16 November 1916;
Message from Brigadier General Burnett Stuart to '2nd Army', 18 November 1916;
Diagrams showing the Distribution of the D.A.C, 16 November 1916;
Message from 3rd Australian Division to Military Secretary, War Office, London, 21 November 1916;
General Staff Circular No. 14 for the 3rd Australian Division, 26 November 1916;
Letter with numbers and positions of the members of the 18th and the 4.5 Howitzers, 27 November 1916;
Notes on Artillery Ammunition, 28 November 1916;
Notes on Statement by Corps Commander at Conference, 29 November 1916 [Draft];
Notes from Corps Conference, 29 November 1916;
3rd Australian Division Circular No. 2, 30 November 1916;
Picture of woman, on reverse: 'Hetty King, 95 Delaware Mansion, Delaware Rd, Maida Vale', accompanied by envelope stating that it was 'Found In Trenches', November 1916.