Places | |
Accession Number | RCDIG0000616 |
Collection number | 3DRL/2316 |
Collection type | Digitised Collection |
Record type | File |
Item count | 81 |
Object type | Papers |
Physical description | 169 Image/s captured |
Maker |
Monash, John |
Place made | United Kingdom: England, Wiltshire, Larkhill |
Date made | 1916 |
Conflict |
First World War, 1914-1918 |
Copying Provisions | Digital format and content protected by copyright. |
Personal Files Book 14, 6 October - 30 November 1916
Monash, Sir John (General, b.1865 - d.1931)
- Series 3: First World War Papers, 1914-1918
< Previous Record | Next Record >File of papers relating to the First World War service of Major General John Monash, 3rd Australian Division. This file, originally part of Book 14, covers 6 October 1916 to 30 November 1916 and includes a report by Major General Sir Francis Howard on the readiness of the 3rd Australian Division, a program for the 'Pioneer exhibition game of Australian Football', played at the Queen's Club, West Kensington, and illustrated by Cecil Hartt and Fred Leist, and a detailed training schedule and scenario to be conducted at Salisbury Plains. The final item in the file is a photograph of Ms Hetty King, which was found in the trenches.
This file contains:
Circular Memorandum No. 8 for 3rd Australian Division, 6 October 1916;
Report on the 3rd Australian Division by Major General Howard, 7 October 1916;
Letter from Lieutenant Colonel C. de Saumarez to Monash alerting him to the preparation for active service of the 3rd Australian Division. Includes table of 3rd Division troops, 9 October 1916;
Telegram from War Office, London to G.O.C. Southern Command, 9 October 1916;
Note from Lieutenant Colonel Farmar, 11 October 1916;
Note from Southern Command to G.O.C. 3rd Australian Division, 11 October 1916;
Circular Memorandum No. 11 for the 3rd Australian Division, 13 October 1916;
Series of diagrams and equations, [date unknown];
General Staff Circular No. 43, issued by Lieutenant Colonel Jackson, 14 October 1916;
Blank table for 'Honours and Rewards', [date unknown];
Typed notes (with hand drawn diagrams) of shooting angles, 17 October 1916;
Algebraic equation, [date unknown];
Typed notes (with hand-drawn diagrams) of shooting angles. Reverse contains further diagrams, [date unknown];
Algebraic equations and a diagram accompanying them, [date unknown];
Notes for Conference, 17 October 1916;
List of 'Articles Carried by Men During Assault', 20 October 1916;
Routine Order No. 73, 21 October 1916;
Address titled 'Talk to Senior Officers', 1st Lecture, 24 October 1916 [Draft];
Lecture No. 2 to be delivered by Monash, 25 October 1916;
Lecture No. 3 to be delivered by Monash, 25 October 1916;
Letter from Monash to 'Walter', 28 October 1916;
Pioneer Exhibition Game: Australian Football program for the 3rd Australian Division. Features cartoons by Cecil Hartt, 28 October 1916;
Notes on '3rd Section', 31 October 1916;
Telegram from War Office, London to G.O.C. Southern Command, 31 October 1916;
Letter from Assistant Adjutant General, Mobilisation to G.O.C. Southern Command, 31 October 1916;
Letter from Assistant Adjutant General, Mobilisation to G.O.C. Southern Command, 31 October 1916 [Copy];
Extracts from The Astra, a paper published by Monash's Divisional Train, October 1916;
3rd Australian Division Graph displaying total number of sick in lines and in hospital for months of August, September, October and part of November, November 1916;
3rd Australian Division Graph displaying total number of sick in lines and in hospital for months of August, September, October and part of November, November 1916 [Draft];
Table showing 'A' Echelon D.A.C. for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Section, 1 November 1916;
Address titled 'A Message to the Men of the 3rd Australian Division', 1 November 1916 [Draft];
Address titled 'A Message to the Men of the 3rd Australian Division', 1 November 1916;
Address titled 'A Message to the Men of the 3rd Australian Division', 1 November 1916 [Copy];
Address titled 'A Message to the Men of the 3rd Australian Division', 1 November 1916 [Copy];
Address titled 'A Message to the Men of the 3rd Australian Division', 1 November 1916 [Copy];
Artillery Group Order No. 1, 2 November 1916;
Artillery Group Order No. 2, 2 November 1916;
Annotated map showing 'Plan B.', 2 November 1916;
Instructions from Lieutenant Colonel Spencer to Brigadier General Grimwade, 2 November 1916;
Note from Adjutant Hammond to 'All Units', 3 November 1916;
Instructions for 11th Australian Infantry Brigade Special Idea exercise, 3 November 1916;
11th Australian Infantry Brigade Order No. 20, 3 November 1916;
Letter from HQ, 2nd ANZAC to Major General Russell, 3 November 1916 [Draft];
Detachment Order No. 1. Contains diagrams of trenches and detailed map of the trenches, 3 November 1916;
Corrigendum to Detachment Order No. 1, 4 November 1916;
Detachment Instructional Memorandum No. 1, 5 November 1916;
Detachment Order No. 2, includes March table, 6 November 1916;
Phase 1 Task Table for Attack on Crater, 7 November 1916 [Copy];
Phase 2 Task Table for Attack on Crater, 7 November 1916 [Copy];
Phase 3 Task Table for Attack on Crater, 7 November 1916 [Copy];
Notes on the prevention of trench feet and frostbite issued to the 3rd Australian Division, 8 November 1916;
Circular Memorandum No. 20 for the 3rd Australian Division, 9 November 1916;
Graph showing animals, wagons, ammunition wagons, 18 PRsQF, 4.5 Howitzers, telephone wagons, and rifles 303 for months of August, September, October and November, 9 November 1916;
3rd Australian Division Operation Order No. 5, 9 November 1916;
Note with the 'General Idea' for 11th Australian Infantry Brigade exercise, 11 November 1916;
Special Idea for 11th Australian Infantry Brigade exercise, 11 November 1916 [Copy];
Note relating to Brigade exercise, [date unknown];
11th Australian Infantry Brigade Order No. 22, 11 November 1916;
Rough graph displaying time, Brigade groups and miles/locations marched, 12 November 1916;
Circular Memo to troops in connection with divisional exercise for 3rd Australian Division, 12 November 1916;
Map showing area around Bailleul, [date unknown];
Programme No. 34, Order of Embarkation for 3rd Australian Division, 13 November 1916;
Embarkation Table for 3rd Australian Division issued by War Office, 13 November 1916;
Instructions issued by Lieutenant Colonel Jackson to 3rd Australian Division, 14 November 1916;
Telegram from Buckingham Palace containing a good luck message from the King to the G.O.C. 3rd Australian Division, 15 November 1916 [Copy];
Poem from Punch Magazine containing eulogy of the 'real' ANZACs, 16 November 1916 [Copy];
Message from Lieutenant Colonel Jackson to 3rd Australian Division, 16 November 1916;
Signal Message from Lieutenant Colonel Jackson to 3rd Australian Division, [date unknown];
Message titled 'Task No. 3', [date unknown];
Notes on Divisional Exercises, 16 November 1916;
Message from Brigadier General Burnett Stuart to '2nd Army', 18 November 1916;
Diagrams showing the Distribution of the D.A.C, 16 November 1916;
Message from 3rd Australian Division to Military Secretary, War Office, London, 21 November 1916;
General Staff Circular No. 14 for the 3rd Australian Division, 26 November 1916;
Letter with numbers and positions of the members of the 18th and the 4.5 Howitzers, 27 November 1916;
Notes on Artillery Ammunition, 28 November 1916;
Notes on Statement by Corps Commander at Conference, 29 November 1916 [Draft];
Notes from Corps Conference, 29 November 1916;
3rd Australian Division Circular No. 2, 30 November 1916;
Picture of woman, on reverse: 'Hetty King, 95 Delaware Mansion, Delaware Rd, Maida Vale', accompanied by envelope stating that it was 'Found In Trenches', November 1916.