Lieutenant George Gosse

Birth Date 1912-02-16
Birth Place Australia: Western Australia, Harvey
Death Date 1964-12-31
Death Place Australia: South Australia, Maslin Beach
Final Rank Lieutenant
Service Royal Australian Naval Volunteer Reserve
Unit Royal Australian Navy
Conflict/Operation Second World War, 1939-1945
Gazettes Published in London Gazette in 1946-04-30
Published in Commonwealth Gazette in 1946-05-23

George Gosse (1912-1964) was born in Western Australia and educated in Adelaide. He had been in the RAN for several years until 1933, and then rejoined during the war. Once while working underwater on a mine in Bremen harbour, he was lucky to escape when the detonator fired; fortunately, he had just managed to remove the primer. After the war he remained in the RAN Reserve until 1958.


  • Honours and Awards:

    Royal Australian Navy
    Second World War, 1939-1945
    London Gazette
    30 April 1946 on page 2085 at position 1
    Commonwealth Gazette
    23 May 1946 on page 1393 at position 1
  • Honours and Awards (Recommendation):

    Second World War, 1939-1945


Date of birth 16 February 1912
Date of death 31 December 1964