Issue 34

No 34 - June 2001
- The historic war site of the Changi Murals: a place for pilgrimages and tourism
Kevin Blackburn - Japanese air operations over New Guinea during the Second World War
Hiroyuki Shindo - Australian nationalism and the lost lessons of the Boer War
Adam Henry - The naval campaigns for New Guinea
David Stevens - Exploring the history of the Australian Army through biography
Chris Clark
Book reviews
- David Horner Blamey: the Commander-in-Chief (Carl Bridge)
- Robert Hall Combat battalion: the Eighth Battalion in Vietnam (Bob Breen)
- David Stevens & John Reeve (eds), Southern trident: strategy, history and the rise of Australian naval power (Robert Hyslop)
- Noel Crusz, The Cocos Islands mutiny (Peter Stanley)
- Tom Frame and Kevin Baker, Mutiny!: naval insurrections in Australia and New Zealand (Jozef Straczek)