Places | |
Accession Number | RCDIG0000619 |
Collection number | 3DRL/2316 |
Collection type | Digitised Collection |
Record type | File |
Item count | 66 |
Object type | Papers |
Physical description | 176 Image/s captured |
Maker |
Monash, John |
Place made | Belgium |
Date made | 1917 |
Conflict |
First World War, 1914-1918 |
Copying Provisions | Digital format and content protected by copyright. |
Personal Files Book 15, 1 April - 10 May 1917
Monash, Sir John (General, b.1865 - d.1931)
- Series 3: First World War Papers, 1914-1918
< Previous Record | Next Record >File of papers relating to the First World War service of Major General John Monash, 3rd Australian Division. This file, originally part of Book 15, covers 1 April 1917 to 10 May 1917 and includes a number of documents titled 'Magnum Opus', relating to the Messines Offensive of June 1917. These documents reveal Monash's attention to detail, meticulous planning and his belief that a successful strategy relied on using ground forces, air forces and artillery in concert. Also included is a document on the design of war medals, with Monash's opinions on a British or International medal.
This file contains:
Weather of April, May and June in the British Army Area, including a chart of average monthly rainfall, and diagram showing rainfall for Hazebrouck, April 1917;
Addendum to 3rd Australian Division Order No. 26, 1 April 1917;
Unsigned letter from Major General, 3rd Australian Division to Brigadier Generals Jobson and McNicoll, 2 April 1917;
Extract from G.26/410 displaying March Table, 4 April 1917;
Letter from Brigadier General Jobson to Monash, 6 April 1917;
Report by Brigadier General Jobson on the state of the 9th Brigade, 6 April 1917;
Message from Major McRae to HQ, 3rd Australian Division, 7 April 1917;
Notes on stores left at Tatinghem by 10th Brigade, 7 April 1917;
Unsigned Report on a Recent Minor Operation. Concerns an attack on German trenches conducted on the Somme, 8 April 1917;
Notes by Lieutenant Colonel Murray on the attack on German trench, 8 April 1917;
Message from Brigadier General McNicoll to Monash, including court martial report on the alleged abandonment of stores, 8 April 1917;
Notes from 'Magnum Opus', containing extracts relevant to the 3rd Division, 8 April 1917;
Artillery Programme, 9 April 1917;
Magnum Opus: Outline of Plan, 9 April 1917;
Magnum Opus: Preliminary Outline, 9 April 1917;
Letter from B.G., General Staff, 2nd ANZAC to Monash, 10 April 1917;
Document titled 'Magnum Opus: Outline of Plan', 10 April 1917 [Draft];
Article titled 'The "Y Emma" Work Amongst the Third Division, Frank Beaurepaire's Success', 11 April 1917;
Notes for 'Magnum Opus', 12 April 1917;
Notes from Corps Conference of 13 April. G.O.C, 13 April 1917;
Notes from Corps Conference of 13 April. G.s.O. 1, 13 April 1917;
Message from Major General, 3rd Australian Division to 3rd Australian Division, 14 April 1917;
Messines Operation Magnum Opus, containing instructions and expected dispositions for each battalion involved, 15 April 1917 [Draft];
Provisional divisional plan for Magnum Opus, 15 April 1917 [Copy];
Sketch for Magnum Opus, showing positions and directions of troops to be involved in the assault, 15 April 1917;
Notes on Status of C.R.E, 16 April 1917;
Document titled 'Notes on Recent Operations of Fourth Army' by General Rawlinson, 17 April 1917;
Notes for 'Hooroush' Scheme given by the Brigadier General, General Staff, 17 April 1917;
3rd Australian Division Order, issued by Lieutenant Colonel Jackson, 18 April 1917;
Divisional Order issued by Monash to HQ, 2nd ANZAC. Contains Divisional Plan regarding the Messines attack, 19 April 1917;
Agenda paper for C.R.E for the 3rd Australian Division, 21 April 1917;
Note for Magnum Opus regarding the allocating of engineers and pioneers, 22 April 1917;
Letter from Monash to HQ, 2nd ANZAC, originally dated 17th April. The appendices outline specific trenches to be preserved during preliminary bombing for the Messines Offensive, 22 April 1917;
Letter from Monash to 2nd ANZAC R.A., Corps Heavy Artillery and C.R.A. 3rd Australian Division, 25 April 1917;
Notes on Recent Operations Carried out by the 1st and 3rd Armies, 26 April 1917 [Copy];
Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Jackson to 3rd Division. Contains Magnum Opus Conference Agenda and a table of 'suspected' enemy strong points in the 'U' Sector, 26 April 1917;
Additional Notes on Recent Operations carried out by the 1st and 3rd Armies, 27 April 1917;
Letter from Monash to the 3rd Australian Division, 27 April 1917;
Agenda for Demonstration of April 28th, 28 April 1917;
Notes for conference, 29 April 1917;
Notes from Conference at Divisional HQ on 29th April, 30 April 1917;
Draft Map, 30 April 1917;
Notes on 'Model', 1 May 1917;
Lyrics for a song titled: 'Descriptive of our Experiences at Hill 63', May 1917;
Memorandum issued by Brigadier General McNicoll to the Officers, N.C.Os and men of the 10th Australian Infantry Brigade, 1 May 1917;
Diagram Showing German Trenches, organisation and defences of a Divisional Sector, captured in April 1917, 1 May 1917;
Extract from 2nd Army Daily Intelligence Summary relating to German Document captured in April, 2 May 1917;
Notes titled 'Points G.O.C. Might Like to Mention to Brigadiers', 2 May 1917;
Unsigned letter from HQ, 3rd Australian Division to Major General McCay, 3 May 1917 [Draft];
Letter from Monash to 3rd Australian Division, 4 May 1917;
Notes on War Medals, 5 May 1917;
Note to G.O.C, 5 May 1917;
Message from GI3 to GI2, 6 May 1917;
Letter from HQ, 3rd Australian Division to Major General McCay, 6 May 1917;
Summary of Intelligence from the Canadian Corps, includes prisoner examination by the Canadian Corps and a translation of a regimental order, 6 May 1917;
First Army Intelligence Summary No. 845, [date unknown];
Message from Brigadier General Jobson to Monash, 7 May 1917;
Notes 'Obtained on 8th May from 1st Canadian Division', 8 May 1917;
Notes from Corps Commanders Conference, 9 May 1917;
Notes from Corps Conference, 9 May 1917;
List of divisions, corps and army, 9 May 1917;
Letter from Brigadier General Cannan to HQ 3rd Australian Division, 9 May 1917;
Letter from General Birdwood to General Howse, 9 May 1917 [Copy];
Message from General Howse to 3rd Australian Division, 9 May 1917;
Correspondence about rats and the diseases carried by them, 10 May 1917;
Open Warfare scheme for 11th Australian Infantry Brigade issued by Major Wooten, 10 May 1917.
Related information
- Milne, John Alexander
- Jackson, George Hanbury Noble
- Selleck, Horace Ferdinand
- Smith, Walter John
- Lord, John Ernest Cecil
- Davis, Charles Herbert
- Martin, Ernest Edward
- Trebilcock, Richard Ernest
- Birdwood, William Riddell
- Monash, John
- Howse, Neville Reginald
- Henderson, Robert Oswald
- Wootten, George Frederick
- McCay, James Whiteside
- Jobson, Alexander
- Cannan, James Harold
- McNicoll, Walter Ramsay