Place | Port Phillip Bay |
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First World War Embarkation Roll (125348) Roll of Honour (2076) Middle East - Recovered Prisoners of War Rolls, 1939-45 War (19) Australian Naval Force (28) Pre First World War Conflicts Nominal Rolls (7) Malayan Emergency Rolls and Awards Registers (35) Commemorative Roll (10)Collections
Places (1)Related information
- Gardiner, John William
- Green, Charles
- Champion de Crespigny, John Chauncy
- Walsh, Floyd Stanley
- Boyd, Peter Malcolm
- Bage, Edward Frederick Robert 'Badget'
- Shmith, Michael
- Murray, Bruce McEwen
- Currer, Andrew
- Angell, Dorothy Joan
- Thomas, John Malcolm
- Fox, Len Phillips
- Dobrilla, Elizabeth
- Dalton, James Eamon
- Aggar, Walter Frederick John
- Lane, Bruce Ivan
- Brain, Darryl "Doc" John
- Mulholland, Lorraine Margaret
- Zaharias, Zac
- McElholum, John Charles
- Membrey, Graeme Andrew
- Fitzpatrick, Reginald Thomas
- Lawrence, Adam
- Jaggs, Arthur Edward
- Lindsay, Arthur
- Knowles, George Hubert Shaw
- Gardner, Kathleen Carew
- Clark, Stephen Roy
- Tranter, Leslie James 'Les'
- Walton, Hans
- Boyle, Michael Dorrington
- Burston, Geoffrie Carthew
- McBean, James Baker
- Brown, Lyndell
- Ricketson, Staniforth
- Hardy, Harry Linton
- Whitbourn, George Daniel
- Kirwood, Gordon Hamilton
- Vagi, Charles Lesley
- Samson, Brian Eric Gerard
- Turner, Joanne
- Dean, Norman George
- Simonson, Donald James (Don)
- Sim, John Lewis Prichard (Jack)
- Manol, John
- McCure, Russell Melton
- Gilbert, Melbourne Napoleon
- Clerhan, Brian
- Thompson, Maurice Charles
- Murphy, Peter Francis
- Spencer, William Robert
- Maitland, Walter Frederick
- Tapner, Benjamin Stavely
- Little, Christopher
- Raff, Andrew
- Taylor, John Thurgate
- Guest, Andrew
- Dickinson, George Whitla
- Fletcher, Henry
- Titheridge, Alan William
- Whyte, Bertie
- Bowes, Frederick Leigh
- Bunbury, Clyde Raymond
- Sinclair, William Thomas
- Frazer, Peter James
- Cattach, Wayne Phillip
- Troy, William James
- Jeffery, William Athey 'Bill'
- McLeod, Wallace Ian
- O'Dal, Stephen James
- Twining, David Austral
- Clark, William Keith (Bill)
- Hill, Roger Alexander
- Brewster, Ian James
- Park, Clyde Hamilton
- Benjamin, Rodney Lloyd
- Sarkies, Richard
- Charville, John
- Stainthorpe, Peter Francis
- Murray-Jones, Allan
- Long, Lindsay Merrick
- Black, Robert James
- Beetham, Reginald William
- Gregg, Joshua John
- Allan, Lindsay James
- Smith, Norman Lindsay
- Percival, Frederick David
- Coventry, Kenneth Douglas John
- Davey, Grahame Henderson
- Moate, Ronald Gilbert
- Gordon, John
- Cattapan, Jon
- O'Connor, Vic
- Teague, Violet
- Walker, Norman Charles
- Omond, Robert Henry
- Dougharty, Frederick George
- Morgan, David William
- Maurice, Francis Joseph
- Pomroy, Keith
- Snow, Cecil Sydney
- Wilson, Mervyn John
- Burke, Albert Patrick
- King, James Bruce
- Lusic, Victor Matthew
- Haddow, James Douglas
- H Goldman Manufacturing Co.
- Kinsman, George Clifton
- Grut, Peter de Guernsey
- Cosgriff, Walter George
- Maher, Richard
- Dunstan, Richard John 'John'
- Deal, Frederick Septimus
- Heatley, William Henry
- Davey, William Henry
- Cant, James
- King, Frank Hiram
- Carson, Henry
- Sheridan, Denis Patrick
- Smith, Betty
- Finn, Roger
- Scott, Ben
- Wood, Alan Roland
- Lewers, Hugh Bunnett
- Malcolm, Mary Mercia
- Myers, Edward Leigh
- Tolhurst, Edward Keith
- Howitt, Godfrey Lyle
- Thoburne, John Francis
- Reynolds, Aubrey
- Geyer, Frederick Christian Emil
- Crespin, Rupert Henry
- Brindle, Melbourne
- Earls, Francis Norman (Frank)
- Williams, Harry Morrell
- Carr, Robert Trevor
- Cooper, John Edward
- Rogers, Robert Ian 'Bob'
- O'Connor, Gerald
- Arthur, Beresford Francis Garnett
- Thorne, Ronald Harold Charles
- Mundell, James Middlecoat 'Mid'
- Macartney, Dora Lynette
- Harrison, William John
- Clark, Ralph James
- Narik, Andre Joseph
- Sandell, Arthur Kenneth
- Donovan, Joseph Kennedy
- May, Henry James
- Paul, Andrew Cameron
- Michelson, Maxwell James
- Perkins, Ronald Arthur
- Duffy, Jack James
- Tippet, Richard Keith 'Dick'
- Heathcote, Herbert Ramseyer
- Cherry, Arthur Don
- Kneale, John Alexander
- Lipshut, Louis
- McMahon, John Joseph
- Ball, Thomas
- Fleiter, Emil Herman
- Bayton, Ernest
- Sandilands, Reginald Thomas
- O'Reilly, John
- Coram, Clive Robinson
- Sommerville, Harry George
- Batson, Alan Orlando
- Nevein, Alfred Douglas
- O'Donohue, Denis Alexander
- Krcrouse, Frederick Thomas
- Allen, Robert Thomas
- Ronald, Terrance John
- Ainsworth, John Fraser
- Gibson, Fraser Maxwell
- Hayes, Frank Stanley
- Wright, Harry James
- Pedrana, Ernest David
- Spence, Philip Martin
- Gregory, Charles Clapham
- Lambert, William
- Hart, Harry Oliver
- Nicholson, Robert Hugh Bright
- Smith, Charles Joseph Lewis
- Bardsley, James Lee
- King, John Leonard
- Brown, Rodney William
- Donovan, Alfred
- Jones, Edward Ernest
- Horan, John Raymond
- Pethebridge, John Edward
- Coulson, Peter Kenneth
- Crowl, Joseph Terrell
- Tuohy, Frederick Michael
- Wallace, Thomas Alexander
- Marsh, Cyril Godfrey
- Borrowman, James Kirk
- Durrant, Ivan
- O'Hea, Edward Ivan
- Quartel, Beryl Ellen
- Edwards, Harry
- Fraser, Peter Howard
- Holt, Timothy Mark
- Potter, Leonard Raymond
- McCrohan, Paul Desmond
- Hilliard, James Clifford
- Logan, Eleanor Mary (Nell)
- Slaney, Thomas Browne
- Hampton, David William
- Chipp, Donald Leaslie
- Stevenson, John Philip
- Law, Russell Lindsay
- Stokes, Philip William Crawford
- Schwarz, Frederick Henry
- MacDonald, Francis Ronald "Ron" Hector
- Hodgskiss, Philip Anthony
- Anderson, Kenneth Gordon
- McPhee, Arthur Gordon
- Brauer, Leo George
- Curtis, Anthony M
- Phillips, Ronald
- Parrett, James Daniel
- Tallis, Marion
- Clyne, Andrew J
- Guest, William John
- Ellicott-Thompson, Danica
- Venn, John Alexander
- Toohill, Ian Geoffrey
- Morrison, Donald
- Nixon, Norman Henry
- Joslin, Ashley David
- Brown, Allan James
- Taylor, Laurence Cecil
- Horne, John Alfred
- Birmingham, Paul Victor
- Nitchie, Rudolph
- Nott, Frederick Oswald
- Moore, John Stephen
- Munro, Douglas Southland Bennett
- Read, Ernest Arthur
- Ross, Harold
- Preece, Henry Edward Earnest
- Salomo, Victor Sydney Albert
- Swindley, Thomas Richard
- Wilson, Frederick George
- Akhurst, Adrian Charles
- Ziesche, Ernest Lawrence
- Belcher, Charlie
- Condy, George
- Cautieni, Percival Domenic
- Foot, Eric Harley Haylock
- Crofts, Arthur Harold
- Peet, William Henry Frederick
- Peoples, Alexander
- George, Harold Lesley
- Kirk, Henry Lees
- Groves, William James
- Groves, William James
- Allison, Alexander Robert
- Hendy, Robert Henry
- Carpenter, Frederick John
- Cameron, David F
- Chisholm, Daniel William
- Hearne, Edward William
- Mowbray, Benjamin
- Whalen, William
- Cooney, John
- Cronin, John
- Caddy, Arnold Fraser
- Quirk, Bernard James
- Sheldrick, John Arthur
- Loughton, Graeme John
- Scorse, John William Milence
- Loosli, Robert Geoffrey
- Hughes, Walter Godfrey
- Hooper, Thomas James
- Hintze, Spensley John
- Hislop, Alfred David
- Hislop, James Allan
- Ick, Thomas Clifton
- Honey, Frederick
- Hope, Harry Leslie
- Ball, James Percival
- Harper, Harold William
- Greer, David Leslie
- Grant, Peter
- Goodwin, Alfred Ernest
- Gregg, Rupert
- Gutterson, Claude
- Haberle, Christopher
- Hancy, George Thomas
- Greathead, Bert William
- Greathead, Henry Percy
- Baldie, William David
- Hall, Walter
- Holt, Ernest Edward
- Heraud, Thomas Frank
- Henderson, Robert Clifton
- Hayes, Henry Seymour
- Hickman, William Henry
- Hodder, Mark Henry
- Hocking, John Percival
- Hicks, William Herbert
- Helm, Charles Ernest
- Hart, George Clarence
- Harley, Donald Mason
- Hall, Thomas James
- Banks, Charles Elliot
- Harry, Sydney Harold
- Limerock, John Grieve
- Le Roux, Prosper Reginald Victor
- Love, William
- Lugg, Arthur Raymond
- Lugg, Norman Wilfred Hendy
- McCallum, William James
- Lyford, Percival James
- McAllan, Oswald George
- McBean, George Robert
- McBean, Norman Alexander
- Lidstone, Clifford Alexis
- Lording, Harry Griffith
- Lording, James Jones
- Lansdell, Francis Henry
- King, Kenneth Phillip Trim
- Lacy, Patrick Francis
- Kirkwood, James
- Kinsella, Francis James
- Lewis, Francis Thomas
- Kinsella, Bertram Michael
- Langdon, Leslie John
- Jones, John Robert
- Kavanagh, Joseph
- Kay, Thomas Leslie
- Jones, Roger Montgomery
- Kelly, Robert William
- Kitchen, Jack Zadkiel
- Jordon, Samuel Dudley
- Jordan, Harold Vernon
- Bartley, Thomas James
- Kennedy, George Henry
- Landy, Arthur Robert
- Johnston, Sydney Tasman
- Kerr, Andrew
- Lane, James Horace
- Keating, Joseph John
- Barry, Patrick
- Johnson, Thomas
- Jones, Ernest
- Johnston, Archibald
- Janes, Frederick Walter
- Hutton, Walter
- Johnson, Harold Melrose
- Munro, Roy Campbell
- Moule, Frederick Gore
- Mitchell, Frederick William
- Moore, Norman Francis
- Miller, William Henry
- Munro, Norman Alexander
- Morey, Frederick Stanley
- Murphy, John Joseph Herlihy
- Maynard, Richard
- Metters, Alfred
- Moger, Sidney Albert
- Bennett, Robert
- Milne, Harry
- Mercer, Henry Boyd
- Mason, Frank Henry
- Miller, Ernest William
- Martin, John
- Meffert, Godfried
- Montfort, William Hugh
- Manton, Harold Charles
- Benjamin, Stanley Octavius
- Maloney, Campbell
- Maher, Edward Joseph
- McMichael, James Albert
- McPherson, David
- McNair, Andrew Edward Henry
- Marks, Lionel Marcus Bernard
- Marks, Marcus Leslie
- Bengrey-Denton, Edmund
- Maguire, Cyril James
- Maher, John Michael
- McLeod, Norman John
- Bench, William
- Manning, Norman Everard
- Machin, Roland Frank Charles
- Macgibbon, Alexander John
- McKay, Alan
- McGregor, Charles
- Bee, Stephen
- McIntosh, Frederick Richard
- McKenzie, William Leslie
- McDowall, Augustus Alexander
- McKean, David Joseph
- MacKenzie, Kennith James
- Raymond, Victor Nassau
- Ritchie, Norman
- Reilly, James
- Purves, Godfrey Liddell
- Purves, William Richard Walter
- Prentice, John Drury
- Ramus, Harold Ross
- Reilly, John
- Pridham, Arthur Turner
- Rismondi, Francis Leslie
- Roberts, Leslie
- Robin, Arthur Mervyn
- Pratt, Walter Fitzroy
- Reaburn, William
- Robinson, Alexander
- Phillips, Alexander James
- Peterson, William
- Ramseyer, Frederick William Adolphus
- Porter, Oscar Percival
- Pinnell, Edward Richard
- Pepyat, Clarence
- Phillips, Edwin John
- Powell, William Alexander
- Phillips, Frederick James
- Payne, Francis William
- Pix, Henry Richard Alfred
- O'Sullivan, Patrick Joseph
- Paddon, Frederick George
- Paterson, Lachlan George
- Oyston, Francis John McMillan
- Oldfield, Laurence
- Parker, John Frederick
- Peacock, James
- Orr, Ernest James
- Palmer, Rupert Alexander
- Birch, Chamberlain Edward
- Paling, Gerardus Johannes Verburgh
- Murray, William John
- Nolan, Edmund James
- O'Leary, Arthur Edward
- Newbound, Ernest
- Bick, Harry
- Nicholson, Herbert Charles
- Beyer, Henry Samuel
- Oliver, Cecil Stanley
- Nash, Frederick
- Mullins, John Francis
- Bevis, David Ernest
- Neild, Charles
- South, Frank Joseph John
- Snape, Harold John
- Stewart, Harold Alexander
- Stenzel, George
- South, Arthur Roy Desborough
- Stringer, Alfred Stanley
- Smyth, Henry William
- Stafford, Stephen Patrick
- Stringer, Frederick Dixon
- Smith, Teesdale Boake
- Stewart, Charles Gordon
- Streeter, David Daniel
- Simmons, Albert Ernest
- Simpson, Alexander Robertson
- Smith, Charles
- Sheehan, Thomas Joseph
- Smith, Henry Knight
- Booth, Thomas
- Smith, Maxwell George
- Smith, James Bradford Hales
- Slocombe, Walter Henry
- Skuse, Alexander Roy
- Simons, Stafford
- Sheridan, Walter
- Bormann, Stanley Thomas
- Skidmore, Clifton
- Smith, Sidney John
- Smith, Newham
- Scott, Matshall
- Sell, Frank
- Sergeant, John Edwin
- Sebo, Albert Edward George
- Schmidt, William
- Severs, Albert
- Salkeld, Ernest John
- Sharpe, Percy Thomas
- Roberts, John Joseph
- Sawyers, Sydney James Armstrong
- Roberts, Alexander Henderson
- Robinson, Creighton
- Rogers, Anthony
- Robinson, Thomas
- Rimer, Rowland Alfred
- Roberts, Henry Stirling
- Roxburgh, Hugh Crichton
- Robinson, Richard Herbert
- Richardson, Percy Hector
- Riley, Thomas Henry Hartley
- Ross, William James
- White, Charles Montague
- Watt, Donald Washington
- Bray, John Joseph
- Wigger, Charles Hugh Llewellyn
- Wigger, Reginald Charles
- Williams, Thomas
- Wheeler, William Henry
- Williams, Walter
- Wilson, Thomas Burton
- Wilkinson, Leonard Leishman
- Walters, Robert Simpson
- Walker, Henry Ernest
- Watson, Frank Wentworth
- Wallace, Alexander Brown
- Warren, James Percy Soltau
- Warren, Robert
- Washington, Conrad Reginald
- Underwood, Leo Clarence Horatius
- Turner, Frederick
- Wallace, Thomas Alexander
- Tolmie, Roy Colin
- Tulloch, John David
- Tilly, Rupert James
- Valantine, David Hood
- Turnbull, McMillan
- Thompson, John Garfield
- Twight, Charles
- Travers, Geoffrey
- U'Ren, Ernest Henry
- Taylor, Charles Frederick
- Thompson, Walter Leonard
- Sullivan, Raymond
- Thornton, Lewis
- Sweeting, Archibald Lee
- Tevlin, James Thomas
- Bowring, John Ernest Pushman
- Thomson, John William
- Swinton, Thomas Trowbridge
- Stewart, James
- Stooke, Ernest Cecil
- Sutherland, John
- Cheale, Louis Isaiah
- Christie, Frank Henderson
- Anderson, William Glen
- Ashton, Bruce Valentine
- Cawse, Francis William
- Capper, James Herbert Vernon
- Carlile, Edward Keith
- Clark, Albert
- Clapperton, George
- Carey, Francis William
- Carson, Harold Knight
- Caines, Percy Colston Horatio
- Cantieni, Richard Lawrence
- Carter, Hugh
- Buzolich, Harry
- Callen, Albert
- Cameron, Gordon Peter
- Abrahams, Louis Charles
- Brown, James Ernest
- Bryant, Leonard
- Campbell, John
- Butler, Frederick William
- Bull, Walter Westlake
- Woodyard, Andrew Gordon
- Britton, John Norman
- Wood, Archie
- Bright, Thomas Henry
- Wippell, George
- Worle, Thomas Henry
- Wright, Gilbert Gordon
- Wilson, Horace Carlyle
- Woods, Charles Julian Tenison
- Wolstenholme, William Arthur
- Wyeth, George Melbourne
- Wymond, Lindsay
- Wise, Eric
- Bromley, John Henry
- Williams, Henry Gordon
- Holbrook, John Humphry
- Gorringe, Eric George
- Browne, Maurice Lester
- Johnston, Russell Edward
- A'Court, Gladstone Arthur
- Bee, Kenneth Clifford
- Adams, Margaret Lamont
- Clayton, Charles John
- Clarke, Clive Gordon
- Clarke, Thomas Osmund
- Cleaves, William Mills
- Cogdon, Alfred
- Rose, Neville George
- Jonas, Douglas Albert
- Yeo, Allan George
- Looker, Claude Russell
- Sheppard, Laurence Rodney
- Ryan, Laurence Bonaventure
- Schrader, Eric Henry
- Shanahan, Michael O'Meara
- Knowles, Lindsay Eric Shaw
- Hoffman, Adolf David Leon
- Hoskin, Christopher George
- Kennard, Robert Millar
- Lenne, Hubert Albert
- Ewart, Gordon Edmund
- Engelmann, Walter Hector
- Dyring, Edgar Andrew
- Eyre, Reginald Henry
- Elphick, Harold
- Elliot, Charles Clifton
- Dyer, William Percival
- Evans, Alwyn Morris
- Durack, Harold Michael
- Elliot, Mark Pringle
- Atkins, Leslie Lionel
- Fahey, William Francis
- Doney, Alfred
- Doyle, Bernard Thomas
- Ashmore, Archibald Alfred
- Duncan, James Francis
- Dunkinson, Richmond Valentine
- Deuchar, Harold Louis
- Doveton, Robert Trevelyan
- Dodds, Allan Bruce
- Ashman, Arthur Alfred
- Duncan, Robert Harry
- Dougharty, Frederick George
- Davison, Frank Sinclair
- Crundall, Vernie Gordon
- Crusell, William Robert Alexander
- Currie, Hugh Roy
- Deane, William
- Dobson, William
- Davidson, William Robert
- Davy, John Edward
- Davis, George Young
- Corby, James Stephen
- Arbuckle, Beresford
- Danes, William Gordon
- Cooney, Patrick
- Cormack, William Bryant
- Cowan, James
- Cramond, Colin Hearder
- Collins, William Bernard
- Craigen, George Henry
- Courtis, Harry
- Curwen, John Airlie
- Connole, William Francis
- Corrie, William Henry
- Cooper, Alexander
- Angus, Roy Harlow
- Cooper, Henry Ackroyd
- Goldstone, Aaron
- Balcombe, Richard
- Glass, Hugh
- Friberg, Victor Charles
- Gibaud, Walter Ernest
- Gardner, Thomas Oliver
- Freeman, James
- Gainge, Henry Joseph
- Bagieau, Alexander
- Galland, Alexander Gladstone
- Fynch, Roy Andrew
- Gallagher, Albert Ernest
- Gibbons, Henry Richard
- Glaysher, John Wentworth
- Flynn, Patrick Joseph
- Franklin, Charles Wyndham
- Felstead, Theo
- Fookes, Charles Thomas
- Aysom, Frank Herbert
- Forster, Charles Alfred Porter
- Ferguson, John James
- Fiddes, David
- Fordham, Eric Surrey Wynter
- Fitzgerald, Jack Hammond
- Forrest, Walter Fergus
- Franklin, Herbert Leyshon
- O'Keeffe, Henry John
- Johnson, John
- Parker, Stanley
- Need, Edwin Henry
- De Lany, Eily Beatrice
- Martin, Phillip Greenaway
- Perfect, William Henry
- Jones, Leslie Roy
- Haughton, William Neville
- Mahony, Frank Prout
- Bensley, Grace Louisa
- Meier, Joyce
- Corlett, Peter
- Quinn, James Peter
- Allen, Leo Thomas
- Truscott, Keith William 'Bluey'
- Irving, Godfrey George Howy
- Symonds, Sydney Theodore
- Williamson, Donald Deakin
- Armitstead, William Harold
- Evans, Julian James Anthony
- Hart, Callum Leonard
- Darby, James
- Burgoyne, Edward
- McDonald, Roy
- Skelly, Alfred Joseph
- Stewart, Frank
- Lloyd, John Edward
- Ashton, George
- McDonald, Mervyn Stanley
- Joseph, Harold Walter Harris
- Kennedy, Percy
- Knable, Adolf Thompson
- Snadden, Walter
- Bear, William Robert
- Middleton, Robert Bond
- Schofield, Alfred Frederick
- Burston, Samuel Roy
- Herring, Frank Valentine
- Holmes, Mervyn John
- Murphy, William Francis
- Urquhart, Robert Leslie Gibson
- Williams, William John
- Kimpton, Roger Charles McDonald
- Wales, Alexander William
- Callinan, Bernard James
- Boyes, Arthur Harold 'Sapper'
- Brookes, Wilfred Deakin
- Lang, Patrick Sellar
- Len Annois
- Fergusson, Maurice Alfred
- Perrin, John Rowley
- Collins, John Joseph
- Magno, Charles Keith Massy
- Bollard, Allan Mitchell
- Maxwell, Alexander Gordon
- Walstab, John
- Lewis, Maxwell Vernon
- Serong, Francis Phillip
- Charlton, Arthur Dallas
- Fairley, Thomas Clarence
- Dirou, Brian Leslie John
- Johnston, George Jameson
- Royston, Roy Stewart
- Case, Marcus Sean
- Clark, John Alexander
- Whalley, Rupert Percy
- Benjamin, Stanley Octavius
- Libbis, William Thomas
- Andrew, Robert
- Andrew, Carl
- Burke-Gaffney, Florence Charles
- Schrader, Adrian
- Johnson, Helen
- Hepburn, James Andrew
- Marsland, George Harold Rodney
- Hughes, Donald Charles
- Coates, Ewen
- Booth, Rex
- White, John Francis
- Finlay, William Seymour
- Scharf, Theo
- Macalister, Jack Lyle
- Austin, John Sanger
- Catanach, James
- Tamagno, Ian Frank
- Stretton, Alan Bishop
- Barber, Charles Victor
- Burridge, Clifford Charles
- Gee, Frank Desmond
- Munro, Eric James Garfield
- Riva, Charles Stanley
- Albress, Arthur Stanley
- Mundell, William Twynam
- Alexander, Albert Edward
- Alexander, Warwick Houldsworth Hickson Grierson
- Alexander, William Robert
- Robb, Charles
- Allan, Andrew Robert
- Allan, Clarence Robert
- McDonough, Ernest Gravatt
- Kellaway, Charles Halliley
- Martin, Gordon John
- Barnes, Frederick William
- Tymms, Albert Oscar Vincent
- Webster, Frank Green
- Benson, William Haywood
- Ellerton, John Charles Auld
- Parry, Eileen Frances
- Webb, Sydney A
- Whelan, Cyril
- Bills, Walter Russell
- Alliston, James
- Alsope, Charles Arthur
- Ambler, Llewellyn
- White, John James
- Evans, Gareth John
- Greenberg, Joseph
- McDonald, Hugh
- Lister, Ronald Walter
- Horton-Crundall, Arthur
- Anderson, William Nicholls
- Brickhill, Paul Chester Jerome
- Bilney, Keith Taylor
- Tate, William Frank
- McLorinan, Henry
- Fraser, Colin Norman
- Fisher, Cecil
- Elsum, Percy Henry Frederick
- Dansey, Arthur Patrick
- Ross, Barry
- Deague, Norman
- Chapman, Wilfrid Alexander Maniachi
- National Referendum Council
- Reinforcements Referendum Council
- Anti Conscription Campaign Committee
- Amor, Benjamin Charles (Ben)
- Cashin, Alice Alanna
- Miller, Lewis
- Barr, Louise Catherine
- Williams, Vane Patrick Sheldon
- Deasey, Maude Kathleen
- Bronk, Edward Philip
- Downey, Hugh Robert
- Rowden, Thomas Francis (Frank)
- Heinz, Ian Conrad
- Maher, John
- Hearder, Simon Roblin
- McArthur, Neil Alexander
- Crellin, William Wauchope
- Corby, John Armstrong
- Carstairs, James de Mole
- Buntine, Martyn Arnold
- Beverley, Bertram Reginald
- Burchett, Wilfred Graham
- Mortimer, David Horn
- Jonas, Charles
- Steele, Frederick Wilberforce Alexander
- Pirani, Ernest John
- Kearney, David John
- Harries, David Hugh
- Elliott, Michael John
- Anderson, Robert Trevor
- Quinn, Henry George
- Martin, Desmond
- Miller, Michelle Jane
- Moore, Alan Watson (Kanga)
- Akhurst, Sidney James
- Findlay, Leonard Seidel
- Oldham, Frank Rassendale
- Outhwaite, Richard Martin
- Schuler, Phillip Frederick Edward
- Anderson, Margaret Irene
- Eddy, Jack Rylot
- Walne, John William Wardhaugh
- Knox, William Johnstone
- Lawrence, Ernest Alfred
- Syer, Ada Corbitt
- Woodbridge, Beryl
- Clarke, Lancelot Fox
- Keown, Albert William
- McLaren, Leslie Alec
- Merrett, Charles Darrell
- Murray, Harold
- Rosenthal, Samuel
- Woods, Lloyd James
- Benjamin, Oswald Deronda
- Benson, George Courtney
- Campbell, Donald Gordon
- Chisholm, William Leslie
- Crooke, Cyril Ednott
- Henderson, Alan Dudley
- Joachim, Lewis Maurice
- Makin, George Leslie
- Makin, James Joseph
- Monash, John
- Dexter, Walter Roadknight
- Massey, Harold Glynn
- Carter, George
- Kingsbury, Bruce Steel
- Dwyer, William Charles De Courcey
- Johnston, Charles Melbourne
- Mackintosh, Ian Uphill
- Paterson, Cathryn Elizabeth
- Wegman, David Alexander
- Aarons, Harry Montague
- Naughton, Frederick Nicholas
- Aarons, Phillip
- Robertson, Robert Gartshore
- Lazarus, Isaac
- Cashman, Ronald Kenneth
- Abrahams, Reuben
- A'vard, Carlton
- Shmith, Robert Alick
- Maudsley, Arthur James Aloysius
- Harris, Arthur George
- Peters, Charles Harold
- Sale, Frederick
- Gemmell, Jessie Ross
- Gatliff, Frank Edward
- White, Cyril Leyshon
- Barber, Charles Stanley
- Cooper, William Francis
- Edwards, Percy Malcolm
- Forbes, Alexander Moore
- Blake, Leslie Russell
- Wilson, Basil Dundas
- Kent-Hughes, Wilfrid Selwyn
- Macrae, Ian Farquhar
- Naylor, Frederick Henry
- Barber, Vernon Henry
- Cecil, Edith Ruth
- Erwood, Kathleen Elizabeth
- Roche, John Worrall
- Ross, Claude Murray
- McWhinney, Norman Burnett
- Beggs, Leonard
- Urquhart, George Robert
- Bullen, Norman John
- Wade, Keith John
- Edwards, George Peacock
- Webb, Thomas Richard
- Wardley, William Leslie
- Boyden, Arthur Keeling
- Fleming, Edward Lloyd
- Semple, Robert James Knox
- Waters, Edward Needham
- Studd, Leslie Walter
- Churchus, Walter
- Clymer,William Frank
- Carnie, George Clark
- Johnson, Norman Lloyd
- Joseph, Joseph Davis De Passe
- Curran, Charles Ernest
- Aicher, William Ludwig
- Keating, Albert Herbert
- Hooke, John Huon
- Teague, George Eric
- Noonan, Francis William Sutherland
- Herbert, Mervyn James
- Hamilton, Henry Ernest
- Hall, Ernest Alfred
- Norton, Clyde Reginald Burke
- Matthewson, Eric Clive Tait 'Snow White'
- Browne, Richard Harding Walter
- Cam, William
- Bice, Edward John
- Heron, Owen
- Oran, William Stanley
- Knox-Knight, Ernest
- Wertheim, Rupert Carl
- Dalton, Norman Charles
- Brown, John Godber
- Tuckfield, Herbert Redford
- Treloar, John Linton
- Gaudion, Victor Claude
- Inglis, William
- Marshall, James
- Wolfenden, Clarence William
- Silver, Cecil
- Conway, Daniel
- Fry, Arthur
- Adams, Athol Gladwyn
- Collins, Frederick Bisset
- Crowle, Herbert Walter
- Yarra, Aubrey James
- Coghill, Eustace Halley
- Hordern, Arnold Clement
- Lister, Eyrl George
- Anthony, Hugh Cresswell
- Royle, Francis Leonard
- Brooks, Alfred Ernest
- Longstaff, William David
- Copp, Charles Henry
- Parnell, John William
- Pullar, Murray James
- Williams, Francis
- Labertouche, Guy Neal Landale
- Healy, Arthur Leslie
- Scrivenor, Walter Stanley
- Maplestone, Philip Alan
- Bagnall, Stephen Richard
- Grist, Ashley Roy
- Minogue, Kylie
- Kennard, Clifford Russell
- Bawden, Edward
- McCormack, Patrick John
- Healy, John Boyd
- Baker, John Stuart
- Baker, John Stuart
- Morris, Basil Moorhouse
- Nilson, Prince Albert
- Hammand, Charles Eric
- McElroy, John Henry
- Christophers, Christopher
- Drewett, Richard Clarence
- Mair, John
- McKenzie, Kenneth Stuart
- McKenzie, Kenneth Stuart
- Mcdonough, Henry Elvin
- Gordon, Henry Alfred (Harry)
- Retchford, Harold
- Desmond, Martin
- Wing Quay, Stanley
- Lowe, James
- Warfe, Peter George
- Young, Arthur Wellesley
- Constable, Donald Frank
- O'Leary, William John
- Bourke, Michael Alwyn
- Anderson, Sydney Louis
- Tickle, Frederick William
- Hutcheson, David William
- Beresford, Wallace William
- Drew, Albert Valetta
- Ellice, William Charles
- Finn, Henry Joseph
- Sykes, Robert John
- Laurie, John Patrick
- Campbell, Edward
- Saxon, Richard
- Wall, Alfred George
- Lemon, Ferguson Frederick Augustus Leopold
- Stratford, Albert Alfred John
- Kelly, Leslie Timothy
- Peck, Frederick John
- Steadman, Charles Ernest
- Buring, David Lindsay Howard
- Tudor, Ralph Bevin
- McNicoll, Ronald Ramsay
- Millar, Lionel Alexander Michael
- Nommensen, Christian Valentine
- Paul, Albert Thomas
- Hyde, Leslie
- Baxter, Elliott Allan
- Warnes, William Edward
- Ross, James Campbell
- Graham, William Forsyth
- Snowdon, Walter Sewell
- Hawkins, Leonard Prideaux Mortimer
- Russell, Philip
- McCammon, David
- Foret, Theodore Ambrose
- Brunn, Theodor Herman
- Chapman, Alick Atkinson
- Frankland, George Rupert
- Carpenter, Frederick John
- Onge, William Heise
- Beaver, Wilfred Norman
- Sheehan, Lionel Robert
- Kane, Patrick Joseph
- Coates, Horace Conway
- Gration, Ian Barrington (Barry)
- McNamara, Philip John
- Reid, Andrew Lambert
- Hearne, Ernest Tasman
- Sproule, James St George
- Wilson, James Joseph (Jim)
- Whyte, Charles William Millar
- Odgers, Archie
- Wright, Charles Robert
- Young, James Percy
- Young, Roland Macdonald
- Seelenmeyer, Cyril Robert
- Elder, Howard Thomas
- Tibbitts, Arthur Hugh
- Morrow, James Cairns
- Wigger, Robert Branton
- Pigdon, Douglas Clelland
- Kerwin, Rupert John
- Denehey, Paul Harold
- Israel, Reuben
- Porter, John Melrose
- Neale, Stanley Walter
- Smith, Joseph William
- Bethune, James
- Bethune, Thomas Henry
- Bickford, Aubrey
- Stevens, Charles James
- Basto, John Leo Patrick
- Beater, William Aitchison
- Hammond, Peter John
- Gunn, Alexander
- Muddle, Osmund Shirley
- Hopkins, Arthur Kent
- McColl, Alfred
- Mead, Jonathan Dallas
- Linklater, Alex
- Davey, Cecil Gordon
- Fraser, Alexander Joseph
- Reidy, Chris
- Gardner, Maxwell John
- Hayes, Robert Joseph
- McDonald, Mervyn Stanley
- Rose, Joseph Vernon
- Rosen, Marcus Joseph
- Russell, Bruce
- Thatcher, Herbert James
- Schneider, Carlile Herbert
- Summers, Frederick Gilbert
- Grimes, Michael William
- Watson, Albert
- Spark, Harry
- Noonan, Michael Joseph
- Franklin, Joyce
- Seidel, Jack Chivers
- Serman, Hugh Norman
- Shaw, Kenneth Edward
- Shears, William Blake
- Thomson, Allan David
- Loud, Frank Thomas
- Dobell, William Pratt
- Bilton, Gregory Charles
- Boulton, Richard John
- Dooley, James Creswell
- Earnshaw, Nigel Halifax
- Spowers, Allan 'Jiggy'
- Dower, Alan Robert
- Donoghue, Leonard Keith
- Druitt, Jack Patrick
- Durrant, Alfred Henry
- Dwyer, Dennis James
- Starr, Peter S
- Lines, John Matthew
- Sprague, Sydney McKay
- Thorpe, John Douglas
- Trimble, John Charles
- Trippett, Kenneth Charles
- Barge, Eric Norman Louie
- Newham, John Drummond
- Wiltshire, John Albert
- Fox, George
- Adams, Thomas John
- Adeney, Harold William
- Conrick, Horatio Victor Patrick
- Ainsworth, Donald William
- Trevena, William
- Traynor, Francis George
- Vanrenen, Bertram Sutherland
- Bradley, Leslie Leitch
- Mack, Frank Murgha
- Vickers, Roy
- Alexander, James Ainslie
- Viggiano, Joseph
- Waddington, Edward Martin
- Allard, James Moore
- Collins, Timothy James
- Hennessy, Joachim Francis
- Allen, Lindsay george
- Simkin, Maxwell Byron
- Simkin, James Lingard
- Waters, Reginald Rutherford
- Blackwood, Margaret
- Clarke, B L W
- Appleton, Frederick William
- Corrigan, Tom
- Baldie, William David
- Holden, Athol Hood
- Robertson, William Thomas 'Bill'
- Wilson, Peter Hamilton
- Brougham, Kenneth Langloh
- Gorton, John Grey
- Hanna, Ian
- Selby, David Mayer
- Cabena, William Bruce
- Callinan, Peter
- Ritchie, Christopher Angus
- Fielding, Marcus Conrad
- Carlile, Edward Keith
- Bassett, Jan
- Page, Fred
- Danaher, Steven John
- Cohen, John 'Jack'
- Eggleston, Frederic Felix Henriques
- Kostelnik, Dragan
- Whitelaw, John Stewart
- O'Keefe, Maurice Anthony
- Pratten, Garth
- Townsend, Gary
- Fletcher, Allan Archibald
- Gordon, Victor Mervyn Ian
- Howgate, Edith Emily
- Hunter, William David
- Jackson, Pelham Steane
- Kettlewell, George Allan
- Kilgour, Arthur McPhail
- Lamprell, Victor Frank
- McDonald, Ean Lawrence
- Mercer, Geoffrey Maxwell
- Moore, Albert E
- Murray, Peter Thornton
- O'Connor, Alan Desmond
- K G Luke
- Bedggood Shoes Pty Ltd
- Cartledge, Ronald Selby
- Parkes, Stanley Thomas
- Davis, Keith Benjamin
- Keam, Ronald Noel
- McInnes, Geoffrey
- McNeill, Ian Graham
- Wright, Graeme Colin
- Holford, David Edward
- Shmith, Athol
- Richardson, Wyndam Murray
- Counihan, Noel
- Crooke, Ray
- Fletcher, Bruce
- Haxton, Elaine
- MacDonald, James Stuart
- McInnes, William Beckwith
- Meeson, Dora
- Moore, Alan
- Newton, Max
- Nolan, Sidney
- Rowed, Reginald
- Tucker, Albert
- Dalgarno, Roy Frederick Leslie
- Paterson, Elizabeth Deans (Betty)
- Belcher, Douglas Leonard
- Dudley, Rod
- Garbett, E C
- Isaacman, Meyer
- Kilgour, J. Noel
- Lilburne, Ronald
- McLaren, Gus
- Pugh, Clifton
- Bishop, Olive
- Alder, Alison
- Fairskye, Merilyn
- Tipping, John Frederick
- Frawley, John
- Luke, George Kenneth
- Lee, Noel Joseph
- Fraser, J W
- Stahle, Leon Rossister Dalgleish
- Troedel & Co. [Melbourne]
- Troedel & Cooper Pty. Ltd. [Melbourne]
- Sands & McDougall Pty Ltd
- Tommasi, Gregory Charles
- Topp, Samuel James (Jim)
- Tuckfield, John Wilton
- Webb, Evan F
- Falkiner, Fraser (Jum)
- Kidger, Alan Noel
- Whetters, William Allan
- Wickow, Alan David
- Fleming, Allan Percy
- Fowler (née Brentnall), Beryl Joyce
- Elwood, Bruce
- Pitt, Bruce Edward
- Webb, Bruce William
- Battye, Arthur Clarence
- Watt, Donald
- Mills, Edward Maynard
- Paterson, Ian
- Paizis, James (Jim)
- Bussell, Kenneth Reginald (Ken)
- Kearney, Walter Leslie (Les)
- Maddison, Neville Gerard Clarkson
- McKay, Robin Sydney
- Knight, Harold Murray
- Milburn, Victor
- Hind, Warren Maxwell
- World, George Charles Frederick
- Irving, Sybil Howy
- Fayrefield
- Moor, George Raymond Dallas
- Cecil, Michael
- Wood, Pam
- Lyle, Marshall Moore
- Davis, Francis William
- Hester, Joy
- Currer, Andrew
- Lukyn, Joyce
- Kyngdon, Leslie Herbert
- Bone, Thomas Henry
- Savage, Alexander Edward (Leslie) (Les)
- Mann, Frederick Wollaston
- Walton, Hans
- Hanlon, Tomas
- Sinclair, William Thomas
- Benjamin, Rodney Lloyd
- Bryant, Henry William
- Hattam, Howard (Hal)
- Thwaites, Thomas Frederick
- Quick, Harold Leopold
- Longden, Norman Anderson
- Tolhurst, Edward Keith
- Dane, Paul Greig
- Kerr, Thomas William
- Mills, George
- McBride, Mary Isabella
- Atkin, William Claude
- Macoboy, Frank Fletcher
- Selby, Benn Atherton
- Knox, Errol Galbraith
- Hobbs, John Hugh
- Massy-Greene, Walter
- Markey, Nellie Adele Marie
- Guilfoyle, William James Yule
- Noseda, Paul Rodolfe
- Dickson, May
- Main, Robert Lindsay
- Talbot, Leslie Norman
- Howe, Francis Martin
- Hill, Samuel
- Ivers, Sydney John
- House, Alfred David
- Hill, Michael John George
- Griffiths, Harry Hubert
- Goss, Albert James
- Hand, Richard
- Hart, Richard William
- Hill, George
- Heath, John
- Holdsworth, Arthur
- Henderson, Charles
- Haywood, George Francis
- Barber, Arthur Ernest
- Hampton, Aubrey Collingwood
- Hallyburton, James Gordon
- Hanrahan, Eric John Augustin
- Harkness, Edward
- Harris, Albert Morgan
- Lodge, Lorenzo John
- McDade, Edward Albert
- Beaton, John Archibald
- Love, Arthur
- Lugg, Joseph Paul
- Baxter, Charles
- Lees, George
- Langdon, John William
- Lawry, Herbert Edwin
- Kewley, Charles William
- Kennedy, Robert
- James, Frank Charles
- Hutt, Walter
- Jeffrey, John Thomas
- Morgans, Frank Leslie
- Mundy, Herbert Henry
- Morgan, Frederick Charles
- Miles, Bertie Daniel
- Morris, Edward
- Muirhead, Arthur Charles
- Moore, Samuel Robert
- Mathewson, Leslie Thomas
- Matthews, Stanley George
- McLean, Raymond
- McHugh, Patrick Michael
- McGurk, Thomas
- McColl, Charles Alexander
- McDonall, Charles Leonard
- McCashney, George Sutherland
- Reynolds, Aloysuis Patrick Anthony
- Renton, George Donald
- Pratt, Walter Henry
- Ogden, Arthur Richard
- O'Keeffe, Thomas William
- O'Neal, Charles
- O'Connell, Henry Charles
- Nelson, David William
- Nicholson, James Vernal
- Stevens, George
- Stanley, Arthur George
- Sinclair, Richard James
- Boothe, William Henry
- Rolfe, Leopold Francis William
- Ronald, James Price
- Rose, John
- Wilkinson, Ernest
- Bray, John Joseph
- Wells, Arthur
- Ward, Joseph Patrick
- Tyrrell, Joseph
- Turner, Thomas Sydney
- Thomas, Reginald
- Tanner, Walter
- Clark, Walter Hastings
- Castle, Edric
- Castle, Howard
- Caldow, William James
- Butler, Henry William
- Brown, William Jonas
- Tregilgas, Joseph James
- Brown, William Henry
- Cornwall, Geoffrey Walton
- Birrell, John Rupert
- Courtney, Ronald Clifton
- Farley, John William
- Davis, Albert Edward
- Laube, John Alexander
- Curtis, Raymond Henry
- Dwyer, Francis James
- Foley, Ethel Jean
- Davoren, Vincent Joseph
- Eva, John Oliver
- Grahame, Donald Lyle
- Green, John Harold
- Donnelly, Sydney William
- Goddard, Albert William
- Derry, Francis Thomas
- Doran, Thomas Joseph
- Gooding, Beaumont Ray
- Hopkin, Roy Reus
- Cook, William Walter
- Down, William Downes
- Bryant, William David
- Hawker, Ruth Muriel
- Hawkins, Charles William George
- Connell, Joan
- Bickerton, Hugh Geoffrey
- Emmerson, Frederick
- Hawksley, Eric Norman
- Chisholm, Colin Alexander
- Brand, Ray George
- Atkinson, Horace Reiby Elliott
- Clarke, Reginald Allen
- Cottle, Albert Victor
- Andrews, Jacob Claude
- White, Henry
- Cole, Percy Edward
- Conway, Otto William
- MacFarlane, William
- Woolf, Hyman
- Walker, Ernest Albert
- Somerville, James Frederick
- Zosky, Ernest Alfred
- Swinbourne, Thomas Anthony
- Wilson, Terry Desmond
- Wren, Gordon Christopher
- Young, Ivan Astbury
- Templeton, Gordon Lander
- Terdich, Bruce Leonard
- Wood, Reginald Carlyle Woolnough
- Searle, Myra
- Roe, Richard Henry
- Trout, Colin Joseph
- Reed, George Lindsay
- Rogers, John Frederick
- McLean, Duncan McKenzie
- Tobin, James Reid
- Rentell, Harry McAlister
- Roberts, Louis Samuel Henry
- Muxworthy, James Pedler
- Scott, Percival Douglas
- Scott, Roland Sydney Gibson
- Pratley, Frederick William
- Williams, Phyllis Gertrude
- Parton, Horace Arnold
- Saxty, Francis Hugh
- Webb, Percival Joseph
- Lyons, John O'Malley
- Long, Sheila Mary
- Harris, James Noel
- McCauley, John Charles
- Linford, Albert John
- Hulme, Ernest George
- Hernan, Thomas John
- Hodgson, Thomas
- Johnson, Mervyn
- Mitchell, Albert Ernest
- Gunn, Ernest Robert
- Houghton, Thomas Harry
- Harman, Charles James
- Mills, Howard Herbert Delaine
- Lawless, Wanda Elizabeth May
- Henry, Hazel Veronica Rose
- Knyvett, Edmund Murray Hugh
- Hogan, Leonard Francis
- Lachlan, Jessie Adeline
- Martin, Philip Carrick
- Edwards, Joseph Augustine
- Ewart, Harold Thomas
- Engelmann, Herbert Alfred
- Ettingove, Samuel
- Dwyer, Edmund John
- Fairthorne, Chas Lionel
- Dixon, James Jeffrey
- Driver, William Henry
- Artis, John
- Dewar, James Alfred
- Croft, Charles William
- Derrick, John Henry
- Curtin, James
- Cranwell, Percy
- Sparrow, Archibald
- Millane, Dennis Michael
- McMurtrie, Hector Ellrington
- Gilchrist, Walter Herbert
- Garratt, Albert Victor
- Goodall, Alfred
- Francis, Vincent
- Addicoate, Bert
- Felstead, Theo
- Ford, William Joseph Earlwood
- Fletcher, Gifford
- Fergus, Frederick
- Scott, William Maurice
- Scrivener, John Douglas Hope
- Colville, George Garden
- Crawford, Erskine
- Lines, Herbert Henry
- Dunlop, Ernest Edward 'Weary'
- Buckley, Maurice Vincent
- Jones, George
- Craig, Sybil
- Dunstan, Roberts Christian (Robert)
- Ryan, John
- Herring, Edmund Francis (Ned)
- Asche, Eric Thomas
- Griffin, Vaughan Murray
- Jeffrey, Agnes Betty
- Gill, S.T.
- Tyrrell, Joseph
- Tulloch, Eric William
- Cairns, Leslie George
- Thwaites, Robert
- Chinnery, Ernest William Pearson
- Jennings, Douglas Arthur
- Edwards, Gilbert Henry Langdon
- Gordon, William Matthew Alexander
- Whittle, Wilfred William
- Bolton, William Kinsey
- Len Annois
- Wallace, Peter John Charles
- Headlam, Frank
- Courtney, Richard Edmond
- Johnston, George Jameson
- Rentoul, John Laurence
- Boyd, Arthur
- Young, Harold Victor
- Mannix, Daniel
- Andrew, Francis (Frank)
- Morrison, Edward John
- Fuller, William Robert
- Mackenzie, Gilbert
- Gordon, Percy
- Cass, Walter Edmund Hutchinson
- Baillieu, Thomas Latham
- Dungan, Rae William
- Martin, Joseph Irwin
- Cadell, John Hepburn
- Smith, Neil Alan
- Fraser, John Malcolm
- Scullin, James Henry
- Tate, William Frank
- Handfield, Frederick Oliver
- Law, Phillip G
- Spain, Roderick Patrick
- Norman, Reginald Havill
- Anderson, Roy
- Ahrens, Charles
- Bladin, Francis Masson
- Ahern, Stephen Joseph
- Benjamin, Oswald Deronda
- Grieve, Robert Cuthbert
- Monash, John
- Peach, William Edward
- Reid, John Anderson
- Heritage, Francis Bede
- Thornton, Vincent Harry
- Treganowan, Rupert Henry
- Turner, Lindsay Robert
- Waller, Napier
- Radcliffe, Janet
- Isaacson, Isidor
- Chauvel, Henry George (Harry)
- Baker, Eric Arthur Ormond
- Carr, Frank
- Peters, Charles Harold
- Quick, Balcombe
- Gemmell, Jessie Ross
- Gatliff, Vivian Harold
- Patterson, William George
- Wilson, Basil Dundas
- Clarke, John Terence
- Morgan, David Opie
- Hurley, Thomas Ernest Victor
- Woods, Eric William Beresford
- Lay, Mavis Jean
- Gilbert, Charles Web
- Baulch, Edwin Eric
- Chomley, Mary Elizabeth
- Wilson, Grace Margaret
- Critchley, John Arthur
- Crossley, Frank Harold
- Wisdom, Evan Alexander
- Smith, George Douglas
- Styant-Browne, Clifford
- Ruggles, Frank Laws
- Easterbrook, Claude Cadman
- Fraser, Donald Hope
- Gerson, Adele
- Macindoe, Hugh Campbell Gemmell
- Jacka, Albert
- Legge, James Gordon
- Wilton, Eric Arundel
- Rouget, Arthur James
- Dangar, Clive Collingwood
- Trewavis, Charles Stanley
- Johnston, Edgar Charles
- Davies, Eowyn Hugh
- Ricardo, Percy Ralph
- Clowes, Cyril Albert
- Foots, Harold John
- Jones, Aaron
- Manger, Harold Coiley
- Holden, Albert Thomas
- Thompson, John Ellis
- Hearn, Joseph
- Latchford, Leonard Arthur
- Cawthorn, Walter Joseph
- Hore, Leslie Drummond
- Harper, Robert Rainy
- Tonkin, Ernest William 'Tony'
- Parnell, John William
- Dexter, Walter Ernest
- Maplestone, Philip Alan
- Bourke, James Raymond
- Jack, Walter
- Ramaciotti, Gustave Mario
- McCubbin, Louis Frederick
- Hewitt, Joseph Eric
- Mayor, Peter Russell
- Ilott, William Martin
- Jess, Carl Herman
- Robb, James Ravie
- Williams, Richard
- Loone, Sidney Perrin
- Carter, Lavington Lewis
- Kemm, Albert William
- McKenzie, Stewart Alexander
- Badham, James Robert
- Lodewyckx, Karel Axel
- Swanson, Victor George
- Gilbee, William Russell
- Gorman, Eugene
- Wade, Leonard Charles
- Falkingham, Norman James
- Ravida, Salvatore
- Cock, William Alexander
- Armstrong, Helen
- Miller, James Keith
- Gillespie, David Francis
- Thomson, Annie Eliza Helen
- Sawer, Edgar Geoffrey
- Burnside, Kennedy Byron
- Webster, Robert Marriott William
- Dyker, Bruce Sydney
- McMinn, Beulah Rotherdale
- Boese, Robert Otto
- Glennie, Reginald Ernest
- Keys, Joseph Charles
- Brown, Philomene
- Richardson, Ethel Tracy
- Bromley, John Thomas
- Lumsden, Clyde Alexander
- Spark, Sidney Walter
- Crome, Harry
- Chirnside, James Iver McIver
- McCarthy, Lawrence Dominic 'Fats'
- Anderson, Archibald Simpson
- Plummer, Horace Sydney "Syd"
- Robertson, Ian
- Burke, Beatrice E
- Parncutt, Donald Lloyd (Don)
- Pearce, George Foster
- Harrison, Eric Fairweather
- MacDowell, Florence Ina
- Molony, Henry Patrick
- Nott, Lewis Windermere
- Davis, Keith Benjamin
- Pethebridge, Samuel Augustus
- Petty, Horace Rostill
- Isaac, Cyril Hampden
- Kemp
- Raymond, William
- Bunny, Rupert
- Carrick Fox, Ethel
- Dargie, William
- Dyson, Ambrose
- Freedman, Harold
- Herbert, Harold
- Jack, Kenneth
- Longstaff, John Campbell
- MacDonald, James Stuart
- McInnes, William Beckwith
- Tucker, Albert
- Wood, C Dudley
- Bale, A M E
- Huyghue, Samuel Douglas Smith
- McCrae, Georgiana Huntly
- McLaren, Gus
- Paterson, Esther
- Power, H Septimus
- Pugh, Clifton
- Sennett, Henry Joseph
- Garvey, Joe
- Sibley, Andrew John
- Duldig, Karl
- Perceval, John
- Smith, Arthur Henson
- Smith, William Joseph
- Troedel & Co. [Melbourne]
- Troedel & Cooper Pty. Ltd. [Melbourne]
- Menzies, Robert Gordon
- Healey, Florence Alfred 'Bud'
- Wilson, Arthur
- Carnie, George Clark
- Palstra, William
- Gamble, Walter Morris Felix
- Aitken, R A
- Baldwin, Aubrey Oswald
- Barrett, Bruce Chrichton
- Bates, D K
- Buss, P J
- Choyce, I E
- Currie, Michael Dixon
- Connor, C S
- Dean, E
- Deering, J W
- Firth, Angela Elizabeth
- Graham, James S
- Hagerty, R E
- Gill, Wilfred Charles
- Hemmings, K W
- Jones, J H
- Millar, Frederick William
- Rowett, G J
- Hermanas, S
- Lipscombe, P D
- Lazarus, A L
- Leslie, P
- McConnell, A M
- Smith, Alexander Henry
- Seaton, Edward Arthur
- Grose, Mona
- Hanson, V J
- Peirce, N S
- Miller, S R
- Waldron, C
- Tait, J
- Truslove, E W
- Langtry, J O
- Wightman, F J
- Callaghan, P
- Isaksson, O H
- Daley, James Edward
- Smith, Hugh Percival
- Pullyn, Alan Stanley
- Porter, John Albert
- Starr, Peter S
- Abassie, Alexander Thomas
- C Fitch & Son
- Semmens, Archie
- Ansell, Herbert Abraham
- Farnham, John
- Wilson, Cherry Spence
- Kopanica, Joseph Francis
- Atkinson, John Hall
- Jack, Alfred Lachlan
- Talma Studios [Melbourne]
- Broothorn Studios
- Falk & Co
- Frazer & Vallance
- Bishop, Roland
- Roosevelt Trading Company
- Riskit Photo
- Cato, Jack
- Dorman, Sydney Ernest
- Cooke, Cyril Roger
- Armstrong, Marie Evelyn
- Hollywood Studios Pty Ltd
- Eve, W J
- Docking, Gilbert Charles
- George, Charles Leslie
- Andrew, David Thomas
- Smith, Dick
- Dawson, Charles
- Nicholas, Athol Miller
- Lovett, Sarah Pearl
- Hallam, Kelvin Walter
- Lang, Ian Albert
- Drummond, Elizabeth Noel
- Wyllie, Angus John
- Devenport, Sydney Augustus
- Wood, Max Holbrook
- Ripley, Geoffrey Charles
- Alexander, William Henderson
- Aarons, Phillip
- Abrahams, Abraham
- Patkin, Robert
- Schultz, James
- O'Connor, Gerald Bradley
- Thompson, Brian Napier
- Critchley, John Arthur
- McCague, John Thomas
- Keating, Albert Herbert
- Hall, Ernest Alfred
- Neal, Victor Henry
- Scandrett, Robert Rae
- Wheeler, Peter John
- Barnard, David Thomas
- Jenkins, Alexander Elliott
- Munro, Ronald Fane
- Parker, Gilbert Alexander
- Jewell, Eric John
- Turnley, Claude Kenneth
- Spurgeon, Arthur Henry
- Moline, Arthur John
- Hood, John
- Lester, Linda
- Mair, John Briercliffe
- Watson, Robert
- Wild, Roland William
- Trust, Frank
- Gornall, William Arthur
- Bell, Mervyn Clarence
- Dodd, Alfred William
- Firebrace, Harold Edward
- Firebrace, Jean Ellen Mary
- Lovett, Norman Allan
- Marks, Michael Alexander
- McDonald, Helen Flora Lauraine
- Saunders, Dorothy Mary
- SYRON, Patrick Daniel
- SYRON, William Henry
- Lovett, Robert Leonard
- Cocking, Frederick John
- Bastable, Frederick Edgar
- Barratt, Alan Claude
- Barrett, Ronald Andrew
- Kennedy, Frances Marea
- Lovett, Alice
- Bethune, Finley
- James, Albert Victor
- Murrells, William Freeman
- Gillison, Thomas Andrew
- Farey, Edmund John
- Franklin, Joyce
- Slater, Frank Miller
- Docking, Rupert Percival
- Dod, Charlton Hayman
- McDonald, Helen Annie
- Stewart, Jean Elizabeh
- Stewart, Florence Madge
- Cullen, Harry Dugald
- Culver, Peter Lewis Thomas
- Wilson, Charles Robert
- Lovett, Leonard Charles
- Mullett, David
- Cooke, Cyril Roger
- Halsall, Cliff William
- Richardson, Margaret
- Green, Arnold Holbrook
- Smith, Francis Ryan
- Tilney, Leslie Edward
- Luquet, Marcel
- Absalom, Debra
- Adamson, Edwin G
- Oliver, Zina
- Smith, Alfred James
- Thompson, Adrian Kenneth
- Raoul Merton
- Cope, Megan
- Pilcher, John Milton
- Edition Office
- Tovell, Henri Hermene